
Project Description

Psychotherapy is an evidence-based treatment of mental disorders. Therapists aim to build a strong therapeutic alliance, to enhance the patients' motivation for change, to provide disorder-specific therapeutic techniques, and to help the patient in dealing with difficulties in daily life, since all these factors have been shown to influence the process and outcome of psychotherapy.

The MobileTx project aims to assist the therapist in this process by introducing e-health tools into the therapeutic process that helps to transfer the therapeutic achievements made in the clinic into the real life of the patient. This might be beneficial not only in psychotherapy but also in other therapies that use homework and highlight the communication between therapists and patients such as physiotherapy and social work. Cutting-edge mobile technology will be combined with process-aware information systems and year-long clinical experience to implement a series of e-health tools and evaluate their efficacy empirically. This projects extends the philosophy of the DBIS institute, which establishes new ways for combining mobile technology with high-level process management in the medical domain (see e.g. QuestionSys for another project following the same concept by introducing an innovative tool for the improvement of mobile data collection in the medical domain).

Project Details


| 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |


Schickler, Marc (2018) Ein Rahmenwerk zur mobilen Unterstützung therapeutischer Interventionen. Phd thesis, Ulm University.file


Pryss, Rüdiger and Probst, Thomas and Schlee, Winfried and Schobel, Johannes and Langguth, Berthold and Neff, Patrick and Spiliopoulou, Myra and Reichert, Manfred (2017) Mobile Crowdsensing for the Juxtaposition of Realtime Assessments and Retrospective Reporting for Neuropsychiatric Symptoms. In: 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2017), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 22 - 24, 2017, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 642-647.file
Schickler, Marc and Pryss, Rüdiger and Stach, Michael and Schobel, Johannes and Schlee, Winfried and Probst, Thomas and Langguth, Berthold and Reichert, Manfred (2017) An IT Platform Enabling Remote Therapeutic Interventions. In: 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2017), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 22 - 24, 2017, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 111-116.file
Schickler, Marc and Pryss, Rüdiger and Schobel, Johannes and Schlee, Winfried and Probst, Thomas and Reichert, Manfred (2017) Towards Flexible Remote Therapeutic Interventions. In: 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2017), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 22 - 24, 2017, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 260-261.file
Schickler, Marc and Pryss, Rüdiger and Schobel, Johannes and Reichert, Manfred (2017) Supporting Remote Therapeutic Interventions with Mobile Processes. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (IEEE AIMS 2017), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 25-30, 2017, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 30-37.file


Schickler, Marc and Pryss, Rüdiger and Reichert, Manfred and Heinzelmann, Martin and Schobel, Johannes and Langguth, Berthold and Probst, Thomas and Schlee, Winfried (2016) Using Wearables in the Context of Chronic Disorders - Results of a Pre-Study. In: 29th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Belfast, 20 - 23 June 2016, pp. 68-69.file
Schickler, Marc and Pryss, Rüdiger and Reichert, Manfred and Schobel, Johannes and Langguth, Berthold and Schlee, Winfried (2016) Using Mobile Serious Games in the Context of Chronic Disorders - A Mobile Game Concept for the Treatment of Tinnitus. In: 29th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2016), Belfast, 20 - 23 June 2016, pp. 343-348.file

Master & Bachelor Theses

| 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |


Schmid, Johannes (2017) Konzeption und Realisierung eines Designkonzepts zur mobilen Unterstützung von therapeutischen Hausaufgaben. Bachelor thesis, Ulm University.file


Aras, Aliyar (2016) Konzeption und Realisierung einer mobilen Anwendung zur Unterstützung von Therapeuten bei der Durchführung ihrer Patientenbehandlungen. Master thesis, Ulm University.file
Elsässer, Viktoria (2016) Konzeption und Realisierung für ein mobiles Smartwatch-Fragebogensystem zur Erfassung klinischer Parameter Tinnitus-geschädigter Patienten. Bachelor thesis, Ulm University.file
Friedl, Sabrina (2016) Konzeption und Realisierung einer mobilen Crowd Sensing Anwendung für iOS. Bachelor thesis, Ulm University.file
Grau, Patrick (2016) Konzeption und Realisierung einer konfigurierbaren Crowd-Sensing Anwendung für klinische Studien am Beispiel von Android. Master thesis, Ulm University.file
Heinzelmann, Martin (2016) Realisierung und Evaluierung von Interaktionskonzepten für elektronische Fragebögen auf Smartwatches. Master thesis, Institute of Databases and Information Systems.file
Irlinger, Laura (2016) Answering a Questionnaire Using Eyetracking. Master thesis, Institute of Databases and Information Systems.file
Stach, Michael (2016) Konzeption und Realisierung eines Rahmenwerks zur Unterstützung von Therapeuten bei der Durchführung von Patientenbehandlungen. Master thesis, Ulm University.file


Götze, Michael (2015) Increasing User Motivation of a Mobile Health Application based on applying Operant Conditioning. Bachelor thesis, Institute of Databases and Information Systems.file
Henkel, Fabian (2015) Implementation and evaluation of a mobile web application for auditory stimulation of chronic Tinnitus patients. Bachelor thesis, Institute of Databases and Information Systems.file
Mayer, Stefan (2015) Implementation and evaluation of a mobile iOS application for auditory stimulation of chronic tinnitus patients. Bachelor thesis, Institute of Databases and Information Systems.file
Schindler, Arnim (2015) Konzeption und Entwicklung einer modularen, ereignisgesteuerten Server-Client-Architektur zur Crowd-basierten Datenerfassung mit mobilen Endgeräten. Master thesis, University of Ulm.file
Schreiber, Michael (2015) Konzeption und Realisierung einer generischen Crowd-Sensing Anwendung für Android-TV. Master thesis, Institute of Databases and Information Systems.file
Weidhaas, Martin (2015) Implementation and evaluation of a mobile Windows-application for auditory stimulation of chronic tinnitus patients. Bachelor thesis, Institute of Databases and Information Systems.file