
DozentenTitelDauer (LP)
PD Dr. SchwenkerKünstliche neuronale Netze2V + 1Ü


Prof. Braun, H. HihnLearning Systems2V + 2Ü
Prof. Braun, S. SchachNeurotechnology: Brain-Machine-Interfacing3V + 1Ü
Prof. Neumann, Ch. JarversComputer Vision (English)4SWS 8LP
Prof. Neumann, Ch. JarversVision in Man and Machine8LP
PD Dr. SchwenkerEinführung in die Neuroinformatik2V + 2Ü 
PD Dr. SchwenkerData Mining (English)2V (3LP)
Prof. NeumannVision3V + 1Ü
PD Dr. SchwenkerNeuroinformatik3V + 1Ü
PD Dr. SchwenkerMustererkennung2SWS
Prof. Neumann, Ch. JarversVisual Information Processing2SWS
Prof. Braun, H. Hihn, S. SchachProjekt: Neuroeconomics - Sensorimotor Learning and Decision-MakingP4, 8LP
Prof. Braun, H. HihnProjekt: Learning RobotsP2, 8LP
Prof. NeumannProjekt: Computational Vision and Image Processing
Prof. NeumannProjekt: Cognitive Vision - Algorithms and Applikations2SWS
PD Dr. SchwenkerProjekt: Neuroinformatik
PD Dr. Schwenker, Prof. Traue, Dr. Hazer, Dr. WalterProjekt: Algorithms for emotion recognition in human computer interaction
PD Dr. SchwenkerProjekt: Pattern Recogniton and Machine Learning Algorithms
Prof. Braun, Prof. Neumann, Prof. ErnstProjekt: Computational and Technological Investigation of Functions in Perception, Cognition and Motor Behavior
Prof. Ernst, Prof. Braun, Prof. NeumannProjekt: Psychophysical Investigation of Functions in Perception, Cognition and Motor Behavior
Prof. Braun, Prof. Neumann, PD Dr. SchwenkerAbsolventenseminar Neuroinformatik

Summer Term 2017