What would life be like without Fusion23? It was a great pleasure for our institute to present our recent work in the field of sensor data fusion at the 26th International Conference on Information Fusion in Charleston, USA. Martin Herrmann, Thomas Griebel, and Charlotte Hermann (remote) were able to give talks and presentations about their latest research about tracking algorithms and self-assessment related to and funded by the projects LUKAS, EVENTSproject22, and UNICARagil. The FUSION 2023 conference in Charleston was a great place to meet outstanding researchers, have great discussions, attend impressive talks, and make many valuable connections with researchers all over the world! We look forward to FUSION 2024 in Venice!
Our presented papers:
- The Product Multi-Sensor Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter (Martin Herrmann)
- Online Performance Assessment of Multi-Sensor Kalman Filters Based on Subjective Logic (Thomas Griebel)
- The Fast Product Multi-Sensor Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter (Charlotte Hermann)
LUKAS: https://projekt-lukas.de/
Ulm University Ulm University
It was a great pleasure for our institute to present our recent work in the field of sensor data fusion at the 26th International Conference on Information Fusion in Charleston, USA.