

Ulm University

"In Ulm und um Ulm und um Ulm herum!"


From Oct. 19 to Oct. 20, our institute had the honor to host this years Doktorandenworkshop of the Uni-DAS association.

Uni-DAS is an association of 7 German research institutes with a focus on vehicle technology, driver ergonomics, driver assistance systems and automated driving.

The workshop served as an opportunity for the participating doctoral students to exchange ideas and included exciting presentations, discussions and a tour of our institute's internal vehicle fleet. We're looking forward to continuing the good cooperation!

Thanks to Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie/ Human Factors TUM, Institut für Mess- und Regelungstechnik / KIT, Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge (ika) - RWTH Aachen University, Lehrstuhl für elektron. Fahrzeugsysteme - TU Darmstadt and Institute of Automotive Engineering (FZD) - TU Braunschweig for joining us in Ulm!