Individualised Maths Training in Moodle
As part of the 2LIKE project, an innovative maths course was created on the Moodle learning platform. With an automated and AI-driven structure, the course offers an individualised learning experience for students: Based on the results of completed tasks and the type of mistakes made, students are presented with specific feedback and learning content that matches their learning progress and individual challenges. The categorisation of the completed tasks into different levels of difficulty (easy - 1 star, medium - 2 stars, difficult - 3 stars) gives students a picture of their individual level of knowledge and allows for gradual improvement.
The course covers the topics of set theory and propositional logic, functions, basic proof methods, complex numbers, systems of linear equations as well as sequences and limits, which students should actually have mastered at the start of their studies. However, many students have individual gaps in their knowledge, e.g. due to having attended different school systems (possibly in other countries) or having had a longer break between school and university, so that not all the content required for the degree programme is sufficiently present. Students can close these gaps in their knowledge through the course at their own pace and adapted to their respective level of knowledge.
The project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the ministry Ministry for Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg within the funding line Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education.