The conference takes place June 6th to 10th, 2021 either online or in Heraklion, Greece. We congratulate the authors of the accepted papers:
- "Ontology-Based Map Data Quality Assurance" by Haonan Qiu, Adel Ayara and Birte Glimm
- "Parallelised ABox Reasoning and Query Answering with Expressive Description Logics" by Andreas Steigmiller and Birte Glimm
- "HDT Bitmap Triple Indices for Efficient RDF Data Exploration" by Maximilian Wenzel, Thorsten Liebig and Birte Glimm
3 papers accepted at the European Semantic Web Conference
Ulm University Ulm University![Logo](
The institute was successful with three accepted papers at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2021).