Amar Halilovic
I joined the institute in April 2021, working on Explainable AI & Robotics, particularly on Explainable Robot Navigation. Between 2015 and 2020, I studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Sarajevo and Computer Science at Mälardalen University. I was mainly interested in Control, Robotics, and Computer Vision during my studies.
Further Information
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics
- Motion Planning
- Explainable Robot Navigation
- Course "Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence" (WiSe 21)
- Course "Explainable Artificial Intelligence" (SoSe 22, SoSe 23, SoSe 24)
- Proseminar "Künstliche Intelligenz" (WiSe 21 - WiSe 23)
- Seminar "Explainable Artificial Intelligence" (SoSe 21 - WiSe 22)
- Seminar "Advances in Artificial Intelligence" (SoSe 22 - SoSe 24)
- Project "Explainable Artificial Intelligence" (WiSe 21 - SoSe 24)
- Project "Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Systems" (WiSe 21 - SoSe 24)
- My profile on Google Scholar can be found here: Link
- Publications:
- 2021:
- Karalus, Jakob; Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
Explanations in, Explanations out: Human-in-the-Loop Social Navigation Learning
ICDL 2021 Workshop on Human aligned Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Agents and Robots
- Karalus, Jakob; Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
- 2022:
- Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
Explaining Local Path Plans Using LIME
31st International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD 2022)
- Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
- 2023:
- Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
Visuo-Textual Explanations of a Robot's Navigational Choices
HRI '23: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
Towards a Holistic Framework for Explainable Robot Navigation
16th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2023) - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
Understanding Path Planning Explanations
2nd TRR 318 Conference “Measuring Understanding” - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
The Influence of a Robot’s Personality on Real-Time Explanations of Its Navigation
15th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2023)
- Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
- 2024:
- Halilovic, Amar; Chandrayan, Vaancha; Krivic, Senka
Exploring the Impact of Explanation Representation on User Satisfaction in Robot Navigation
2024 International Symposium on Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction (TAHRI 2024) - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
Robot Explanation Identity
HRI 2024 Workshop - Robo-Identity 3 - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
Towards Affordance-Based Explanations of Robot Motion Planning
The First Austrian Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision (AIRoV 2024) - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
Planning of Explanations for Robot Navigation
2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
Explainable is Responsible, or not?
"What does Responsible Robotics mean?: Stretching roboticists’ horizons from an academic, government and philosophical perspective" - Workshop at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) - Halilovic, Amar
Framework for the Planning of Affordance-Based Explanations in Robot Path Planning
Proceedings of the MEi: CogSci Conference 18 (1) - Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka; Canal, Gerard
Towards Probabilistic Planning of Explanations for Robot Navigation
RSS 2024 Workshop on Unsolved Problems in Social Robot Navigation
- Halilovic, Amar; Chandrayan, Vaancha; Krivic, Senka
- 2021: