Seminar für funktionelle Nanosysteme SS18

Das Seminar für funktionelle Nanosysteme findet in Kooperation der Institute für Optoelektronik, elektronische Bauelemente und Schaltungen und Mikro- und Nanomaterialien statt.


17.04.2018Vignesh DevakiOptoDistance Measurement Using Optical Homodyne and Heterodyne Techniques in 3-D Time of Flight Cameras
24.04.2018Ahmed ChnaniEBSSurface Band Diagram Evaluation of Nanostructured Hematite Photoanodes
Oliver RettigOptoInvestigations on Boron Containing AlGaN Layers Grown by Flow Modulated Epitaxy
01.05.2018--Feiertag "Tag der Arbeit"
08.05.2018Arezo BehroudjEBSSynthesis of Epitaxial Silicon Nanowires Using Alloy Catalysts
Florian OstermaierMNMForce and Viscosity Measurements using Magnetic Nanoparticles
15.05.2018Dr. Michael JetterUni StuttgartVECSEL and MECSEL: high power, wavelength versatility and ultra-short pulses
22.05.2018Sandra RiedmüllerOpto/UMSInvestigation on manufacturing of advanced GaN technology for high frequency applicatoins
29.05.2018Madeleine NilsenEBSAFM cantilever modification enabled by dry photoresist film lithography
Martin SchneidereitOptoLiquid sensing with InGaN biosensors
05.06.2018Mingyan WangMNMInvestigation of coarsening in semisolid Al-Cu alloys using 3DXRD microscopy and phase field simulation
Sven BaderOptoCurrent Apertures in PT-VCSELs: Optical Simulations and Manipulations
12.06.2018Benjamin RiedmüllerMNMSysteme zur Manipulation und Detektion von magnetischen Nanopartikeln
Tobias PuschOptoElectrical Birefringence Tuning in VCSELs
19.06.2018--kein Seminar
26.06.2018Raphael ZellerMNMInfluence of atomistic strains on the growth kinetics of a nanocrystalline material simulated with a phase field model
Ardeshir MoinianEBSNanoscale sensors for cellular lung analytics
03.07.2018Ashkan DjaberiEBSCatalyst-free nucleation of silicon nanowires
Markus MillerOptoRefractive Index Sensing by Gain or Loss Induced Resonances
10.07.2018Runbang ShaoMNMGranular Magnetic Nano-Composites: Preparation, Characterization, and Modelling
Jassim ShahbazOptoInGaN Heterostructures as Optical Transducers for Hydrogen Sensing
17.07.2018Michael RoosEBSNanoscale sensors for cellular lung analytics
Markus PolanikOptoOptically Pumped Seminconductor Disk Lasers Emitting at 970 nm
TBDPierre DenisMNMAu-based thin film metallic glasses as a precursor to form nanoporous Au
TBDJan-Patrick ScholzOptoFirst steps towards vertical field effect transistor
Raum & Zeit

Raum: Uni-West 45.2.103

Zeit: Dienstags 16-18