Institutsseminar & Oberseminar (Wintersemester 2015/2016)
Ort & Zeit
Das Institutsseminar des Instituts für Mikro- und Nanomaterialien sowie das Oberseminar "Neue Materialien" finden im Wintersemester dienstags von 16:00 bis 18:00 im Seminarraum 47.2.228 statt.
Seminar | NameTitel|||
20.10.2015 | I & O | - | Vorbesprechung Seminare & Einteilung der Termine |
27.10.2015 | I | Anton Manin | Master-Abschlussvortrag: "Simulation and modeling of grain growth using a misorientation-dependent phase field model" |
3.11.2015 | O | Mike Haddad | PhD Thesis update: "Mechanical Properties Enhancement for Medium Carbon Steel through High Pressure Torsion Processing (HPT)" |
10.11.2015 | I | Mandeep Singh | Master Mid-Term: "Development of anti-adhesive coating" |
17.11.2015 | O | Björn Müller | PhD Thesis update: "Improvement of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 thin film solar cells with the help of Ga or S gradients" |
24.11.2015 | I | Runbang Shao | Master-Abschlussvortrag: "Exchange Bias in Granular Ferromagnet/Antiferromagnet Nanostructures" |
1.12.2015 | O | Yue Dong | PhD Thesis update: "Synthesis and properties of bulk metallic glass: Development of a new series of BMGs" |
8.12.2015 | O | Jules Dake | PhD Thesis update: "Three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy: the key to predictive materials science" |
15.12.2015 | - | - | |
12.1.2016 | - | - | |
19.1.2016 | - | - | |
26.1.2016 | I | Raphael Zeller | PhD Thesis update: "Abnormal, fractal grain growth at the nanoscale" |
2.2.2016 | O | Thomas Werz | PhD Thesis summary: "Ostwaldreifung bei hohen und ultra-hohen Volumenfraktionen" |
9.2.2016 | O | Mónica Rubio Ayala | "Development of new nanomaterials for the modulation of cell function" |
12.3.2016 (Sa, 11:00) | I | Mandeep Singh | Master-Abschlussvortrag: "Development of anti-adhesive coating for high temperature appication" |
14.3.2016 (Mo, 16:00) | I | Harald Lang | Diplom-Abschlussvortrag: "Leitfähige nanokristalline Diamantfilme und ihr elektrisches Leistungsverhalten im statischen und dynamischen Betrieb" |
I = Institutsseminar
O = Oberseminar
Dr. Kai Brühne & Prof. Carl E. Krill