Institutsseminar (Wintersemester 2008/2009)

Ort & Zeit

Das Institutsseminar des Insituts für Mikro- und Nanomaterialien findet mittwochs von 14:30 bis 16:00 im Seminarraum 47.2.228 statt.


12.11.08S. Rao SaranuInfluence of biaxial stress on the magnetic properties of nanoparticles
19.11.08Zhenyu WuNanotubes by atomic layer deposition (ALD)
26.11.08Dan Zhu

Body building on diamonds

03.12.08Barat Kuerbanjiang

Measuring the thermal conductivity of metal thin films by an optical method

04.12.08, 14:00Prof. Robert Averback, University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)

Mesoscopic self-organization in driven metals: Effects of severe plastic deformation and particle irradiation

10.12.08, 15:00Hailong DongMaster's thesis presentation: FePt nanowires for novel ferrofluids

Neda Sadrifar

Master's thesis presentation: Preparation and characterization of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB-based magnetic tunnel junctions

18.12.08, 14:30Xiaoxi He

Master's thesis presentation: Effect of laser annealing on CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions

07.01.09Arnaud CaronViscoelasticity measurements on parodental ligaments by atomic force acoustic microscopy
14.01.09, 15:30Brook Esseye Master's thesis presentation: Influence of magnetostatic interactions on the magnetic behavior of nanoparticles
21.01.09- no seminar -
28.01.09Lionel KronerControlling grain growth—a challenge on the way toward thermally stable bulk nanocrystalline materials
04.02.09, 15:30Adelheid GrobMicromechanical characterization of nanocrystalline diamond films
11.02.09- no seminar -
18.02.09Li LiMaster's thesis presentation: Phase decomposition in mechanically alloyed CuNiFe during isothermal aging


Prof. C. E. Krill, Ph.D.