Institutsseminar (Sommersemester 2008)

Ort & Zeit

Das Institutsseminar des Insituts für Mikro- und Nanomaterialien findet mittwochs von 10:30 bis 12:00 im Seminarraum 47.2.228 statt.


30.04.08Thomas WerzThe determination of deflection fields of trabecular structures from microcomputed tomography images
07.05.08Prof. Ulrich HerrSicherheitseinweisung
14.05.08- no seminar -
21.05.08- no seminar -
28.05.08Prof. Shanker RamNew chemical syntheses of metals, cermets, ceramics and hybrid composites of core-shell structures using induced hydrolysis of Al metal (a reducer)
04.06.08Prof. Valery ImaevGrain refinement in cast Ti-Al46-Nb8 and Ti-Al46-Ta8 alloys via massive transformation
11.06.08- no seminar -
18.06.08Prof. Ke-Gang Wang, Florida Institute of TechnologyTheoretical, computational and experimental studies of phase coarsening
25.06.08Hailong DongFePt nanorods for novel magnetic fluids

Mary Victor Abd-Elmaseeh
Michael Raouf Aziz

Surface patterning for biocompatibility
Hydrogen storage in nanocrystalline magnesium

09.07.08Li LiOstwald ripening at the nanoscale
16.07.08Xiaoxi HeLaser annealing of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions
23.07.08Neda SadrifarGiant tunnel magnetoresistance in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB-based magnetic tunnel junctions
30.07.08Natsuki Miyakawa, EADS OttobrunnDevelopment of microthrusters and metrology


Mary Victor Abd-Elmaseeh

Bachelor's thesis presentation: Surface patterning for biocompatibilization (starting at 3 p.m.)
03.09.08Prof. J. Z. Jian, Zhejiang University"Ferromagnetism" of zinc oxide


Michael Raouf Aziz

Bachelor's thesis presentation: Investigation of nanocrystalline Mg-based hydrides for H storage (starting at 3:30 p.m.)

Archiv alte Institutsseminare