Subject examination board of the engineering programmes (Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Communication and Information Technology, Sensor Systems Engineering)

Contact modalities

The examination board conducts consultations by email (pa-ingenieurwissenschaften(at) where possible. Your email must contain the certificate of all study and examination achievements (available via in PDF format. Please attach further documents depending on your request (see below). Use your Uni Ulm email address. Please also provide a telephone number where you can be reached if your request cannot be dealt with by email. You will then be called. 

Please complete all forms as far as possible before contacting the subject examination board. Please name the file(s) using the format [last name_first name]_[date = YYYYMMDD]_[1,2,3,...].pdf, e.g. Robespierre_Maximilien_17890714_1.pdf .

All applications must be signed upon submission!

Notes on typical requests

Für Studierende, die im Sommersemester 2020, im Wintersemester 2020/2021, im Sommersemester 2021 oder im Wintersemester 2021/2022 in einem Studiengang eingeschrieben sind oder waren, verlängern sich in diesem Studiengang die Fristen für die Erbringung von fachsemestergebundenen Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen (auch die zu der das Studium abgeschlossen sein muss) für jedes dieser Semester jeweils um ein Semester, insgesamt um höchstens drei Semester. Die Fristverlängerung wurde durch Änderung von §32 Abs. 5a des Landeshochschulgesetzes umgesetzt.

Recognition is understood to mean the crediting of study achievements at other universities, higher education institutions and other educational institutions; the exact regulations can be found in § 19 (6) of the General Framework - ASPO (Rahmenordnung). In addition, achievements from other degree programmes can be recognised as equivalent to intended or possible achievements.

You can request the transfer of examinations with identical examination numbers and clear categorisation directly from the Studiensekretariat (student administration and examinations office). Please note the cut-off period of one semester after the examination date or after starting the new degree programme.

In order to apply for recognition of achievements from other or previous degree programmes and stays abroad, please prepare the following documents and submit them in full by email:

  1. Complete the forms Application for recognition of study and examination achievements (Antrag auf Anerkennung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen) and Further pages on the application for recognition (Weitere Seiten zum Antrag auf Anerkennung) (see recognition, there are separate files for first and non-first pages!). Use Acrobat Reader. Unfortunately, files created with Adobe LifeCycle Designer cannot be processed! The forms must be completed as far as possible and submitted as a PDF. Before sending, make sure that the completed information has been saved correctly, files are still editable and readable using Acrobat Reader.
  2. For externally completed achievements that you would like to recognise as a specific internal achievement, you must also complete the form "application_recognition_of_academic_achievements". You will find this form on the right-hand side of this website for downloading. This form must be signed by the responsible Ulm lecturer. Register with the Ulm lecturer using the form, the module description of the externally completed achievements and certificates (transcript of records).
  3. The enrolment record or certificates (transcript of records) of the old and the new degree programme.
  4. The corresponding module descriptions must be submitted for achievements that are no longer listed in the module handbook and for externally completed achievements.

According to a regulation passed by the examination board, you will be placed one semester higher if you have been recognised for a total of 30 credit points (exception: semester abroad).

Caution: Unfinished examination procedures cannot be concluded by means of a recognition!

In general, an extension of the deadline is possible for two reasons that should not be mixed:

  1. Extension of the time for completion for technical reasons: The completion time may be extended by a maximum of two weeks for the bachelor's thesis and by a maximum of four weeks for the master's thesis, provided that it is a clearly identifiable obstacle to research for which the student is not responsible (General Framework for Examinations 2017). The application must be confirmed by the supervising university lecturer by means of signature.
  2. Extension due to interruption of work: If you have to interrupt your work through no fault of your own, e.g. due to the death of a first-degree relative, illness of your own or of your children, prolonged time-consuming care of a relative or due to corona-related restrictions, an extension by the period of interruption is possible. In the case of illness of your own, the attestation form in the download area needs to be filled in by your doctor, and you then have to submit the form to the Student Administration and Examinations Office by email without delay (the examination board does not need to be involved in the case of illness of your own). A simple certificate of incapacity for work or sick note is not sufficient in this case. The extension will be granted for this period. In the case of other limitations, a detailed plan must be submitted to the examination board showing why tasks could not be completed, which tasks still need to be completed before the thesis is submitted, how much time each of these will take and when each of these will be completed. This plan must be confirmed by the supervising university lecturer by means of signature.

The application and documents should be submitted promptly (immediately after the obstacle becomes known) and within the deadlines set by the General Framework for Examinations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung) by email. The examination board reserves the right to have the origin of the (scanned) certificates confirmed by the issuer.

An extension of the study period is usually possible if the student is not responsible for the reasons why he/she did not complete the study programme in the time allowed. The application must explain the situation in detail and provide a detailed plan showing how the student intends to successfully complete his or her studies. All documents relevant to the application must also be submitted. In the case of illness, a certificate (e.g. certificate of incapacity for work or sick note) must be presented showing the exact period of time during which the student was unable to work, study or take exams. The extension will be granted for this period.

The application and documents should be submitted promptly (immediately after the obstacle becomes known) and within the deadlines set by the General Framework for Examinations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung) by email. The examination board reserves the right to have the origin of the (scanned) certificates confirmed by the issuer.

A leave of absence must be approved by the examination boards in the following cases:

  • Scholarship, the conditions of which do not permit attendance at courses.
  • Practical work that serves the study objective and is not part of study and examination regulations.

In these cases, an application must be submitted by email. You will find the form here. All documents relevant to the application (e.g. contract for practical work) must also be submitted.

Certificates for graduation funding are issued by the Studiensekretariat (student administration and examinations office).

Submit the following documents for the certificate of achievement (§ 48 Bafög):

  1. BAföG form completed as far as possible
  2. Certificate of all study and examination achievements and certificate of average grade

Prospective achievement certificates (issued before the deadline of 30 September/31 March) are issued positively if you have passed the orientation examination.

The following applies due to corona: For first-semester students (winter semester 20/21), the submission of the achievement certificate according to § 48 BAföG is postponed by one semester (the BAFöG maximum funding period is increased by one semester); for students who were enrolled in the summer semester 20 and in the winter semester 20/21, the submission of the achievement certificate is postponed by two semesters (the same applies to the maximum funding period).

There is an official form in German and English for a certificate of inability to take an examination (see general forms). The background to this is that it is not up to the treating doctor, but the examination authority, to decide whether a candidate was sufficiently impaired by his or her illness not to take an examination.

With this amendment, we are following a judicial recommendation (Sigmaringen Administrative Court), according to which it is permissible to also demand that the treating doctor describe the actual symptoms of the illness. This is to facilitate the evaluation of the submitted certificate of inability to take an examination and thus also the decision to recognise the inability to take an examination or not.
(Circular by Bruno Franz, Studiensekretariat, 27. Oktober 2017)

Please note these conditions when requesting extensions of the deadline.

Personal data is collected as part of the examination board's advisory and decision-making activities. This data is disclosed on a case-by-case basis to

  • members of the board who are permanently employed at Ulm University, as well as those bound by their instructions (e.g. secretary's office) - the entire file -
  • relevant co-addressees of decisions (e.g. Studiensekretariat, Studierendenwerk (student services) (for BAFöG), foreign university) - only decision -.

All documents relevant to a decision will be stored electronically and/or in paper form by the examination board until five years after the final termination of the student's enrolment at Ulm University, after which they will be properly destroyed or deleted.

Contact person

Dr.-Ing. Margarita Puentes-Damm
Please contact me by email if you have any questions. If you need guidance on your subject, we can also arrange a telephone or video conference.

Meetings winter semester 2024/25


Meetings summer semester 2025

18.06.2025 (Pfingstferien)

Please submit your motions at least two weeks before the meeting.

Members of the University bodies

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Damm
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dietmayer
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Minker
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Rothermel

Scientific staff
PD Dr.-Ing. Michael Buchholz
Dr.-Ing. Margarita Puentes-Damm

Student members:

Biomedical Engineering
Lara Kneer

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Bachelor: Julius Hense
Master: Jakob Wein

Communication and Information Technology
Yassin Maamoun

Sensor Systems Engineering