Study Abroad at Ulm University

You are registered as a student at a university abroad? You are interested in completing part of your studies (1-2 semesters) at Ulm University?

This is quite easy, if there is a cooperation agreement between your home university and Ulm University. Check out our partner universities:

  • Erasmus+: Partner Universities in Europe
  • SEMP: Partner Universities in Switzerland
  • Exchange: Partner Universites worldwide
  • German University Cairo (GUC)

However, you cannot apply to Ulm University directly. First, you have to apply for a place in the exchange programme at your home university. If you have been selected, you can apply to the International Office of Ulm University.

In case there is no cooperation agreement between your home university and Ulm University you can apply as free mover.

Contacts International Office

Contacts Computer Science

Dr. Markus Maucher
Academic Advisor
Department of Computer Science

Ulm University
James-Franck-Ring O27
89081 Ulm / Germany

Room: O27/532 

Phone: ++49 (0) 731-50-24106

Prof. Dr. Jacobo Torán
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Department of Computer Science

Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Ulm University
James-Franck-Ring O27
89081 Ulm / Germany

Room: O27/536 

Phone: ++49 (0) 731-50-24103

Department of Computer Science: Teaching and Research

Bachelor Courses
Courses from our B. Sc. programs Computer Science, Media Informatics and Software Engineering. These courses are offered regularly. Generally, teaching language is English.
Master Courses
Courses from our M. Sc. programs Computer Science, Media Informatics, Software Engineering and Cognitive Systems. The courses are geared to the main research of the Department of Computer Science. Generally, teaching language is English.

The main research of our department comprises: 

  • Databases and Informations Systems
  • Embedded Systems and Real-Time Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Media Informatics
  • Neural Information Processing
  • Software Engineering and Programming Languages
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Distributed Systems
Erasmus+ Subject Area Code

0631 (Computer Science, Media Informatics, Software Engineering)

Please note:
  • In order to attend Master-level courses, students should have successfully completed at least 3 years of study (approx. 180 ECTS) in the field of study of the Erasmus agreement.
  • All students must meet the language and academic requirements of any given course.
  • Exceptions may be granted to students in their final Bachelor year, if the home university confirms that this mobility window is offered explicitly for students to take Master courses.