Master's Courses

In the Master's programs in engineering at Ulm University, the language of instruction for most courses is English. The following lists show the courses that are regularly taught in English during the Winter and Summer Semesters, respectively. If you wish to see the complete list of all Master's level courses offered by the Engineering Department (taught in English or German) along with their module description, please follow the instructions given in "Module Manual," a PDF file available for download. To find out which courses will be taught during the specific semester of your visit, please follow the instructions given in the PDF file "Courses offered by the Engineering Department," which is also available for download.

Regularly offered courses in Winter Semester (October – February)

Module no. Course no.

Course title
(click for module description)

ECTS Language
75278 ENGDLR-QT 75278 Advanced Quantum Engineering 4 EN
70451 ENGFN 70451 Advanced Optoelectronic Communication Systems 6 EN
70442 ENGJ 70451 Algebraic Channel Coding 4 EN
73028 ENGB 73028 Biosensors and Biochips 8 EN
70426 ENGJ 70426 Channel Coding 6 EN
72459 ENGG 72459 Computer Networks 4 EN
70423 ENGC 70423 Dialogue Systems 6 EN
70436 ENGA 70436 Electronic System Design Using C and SystemC 6 EN
72323 ENGG 72323 Heterogeneous and Parallel Computing Infrastructures 6 EN
75196 ENGB 75196 Integrated Broadband Circuits 6 EN
72274 ENGA 72274 Integrated Interface Circuits 6 EN
71150 ENGC 71150 Iterative Methods for Wireless Communications 4 EN
74806 ENGD 74806   Lab Course Deep Learning for Autonomous Driving 6 EN
75226 ENGG 75226 Laboratory Internet of Things 5 EN / GE
71737 ENGB 71737 Laboratory Vector Network Analysis 5 EN
75197 ENGE 75197 Microwave System Design 6 EN
71045 ENGA 71045 Mixed-Signal CMOS Chip Design 4 EN
71228 ENGB 71228 Modern Semiconductor Devices 4 EN
70440 ENGG 70440 Praktikum Informationstechnik / Communication Networks 5 EN / GE
71090 ENGA 71090 Project Analog CMOS Circuit Design 6 EN
74795 ENGD 74795  Project Deep Learning for Autonomous Cars 6 EN
70428 ENGA 70428 Project Design of Integrated Systems 6 EN
70435 ENGC 70435 Project Dialogue Systems 8 EN / GE
75096 ENGB 75096 Project High-Frequency Amplifier Design 6 EN
75261 ENGB 75261 Project High-Frequency Integrated Circuit Design 6 EN
71563 ENGB 71563 Project Radio Frequency Electronics 5 EN
72474 ENGE 72474 Propagation and Antennas 5 EN
74761 ENGE 74761 RF-Design of Communication and Navigation Systems 5 EN
72461 ENGC 8030 Seminar Communications Engineering 3 EN / GE
75048 ENGB 75048 Seminar High-Frequency Circuits in Silicon Technologies 3 EN
75026 ENGB 75026 Seminar Historic Aspects of Modern RF Electronics 3 EN
74173 ENGG 74173 Seminar Research Trends in the Internet of Things 3 EN / GE
75185 ENGE 75185 Seminar Research Trends Terahertz Technology and Applications 3 EN / GE
72272 ENGC 72272 Signal Theory 6 EN
74793 ENGE 74793 Space-Based Radar 4 EN
70458 ENGFN 70458 Technology for Micro- and Nanostructures 4 EN

Regularly offered courses in Summer Semester (April – August)

Module no. Course no. Course title
(click for module description)
ECTS Language
75278 ENGDLR-QT 75278 Advanced Quantum Engineering 4 EN
75139 ENGFN 75139 Active Optoelectronic Devices 6 EN
70422 ENGJ 70422 Applied Information Theory 8 EN
71726 ENGA 71726 Circuit Design in Nanometer-Scaled CMOS Technologies 5 EN
70434 ENGJ 70434 Communication Systems 4 EN
71472 ENGJ 71472 Compressed Sensing 5 EN
71729 ENGB 71729 Cultural Crossroads for Communication and Information Technology 2 EN
72270 ENGC 72270 Digital Communications 7 EN
72269 ENGA 72269  Integrated Analog Circuits 6 EN
75166 ENGB 75166 Integrated High-Frequency Circuits 6 EN
72274 ENGA 72274  Integrated Interface Circuits 6 EN
75027 ENGD 75027 Introduction to Deep Learning 5 EN
72473 ENGE 72473 Introduction to Microwave Engineering 5 EN
72271 ENGC 72271 Laboratory Digital Communications 5 EN
71735 ENGE 71735 Laboratory RF Engineering 5 EN
71737 ENGB 71737 Laboratory Vector Network Analysis 5 EN
71045 ENGA 71045 Mixed-Signal CMOS Chip Design 4 EN
71727 ENGC 71727 Multiuser Communications and MIMO Systems 6 EN / DE
70439 ENGC 70439 Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition 4 EN
71723 ENGFN 71723 Optical Communications 6 EN
71090 ENGA 71090 Project Analog CMOS Circuit Design 6 EN
70428 ENGA 70428 Project Design of Integrated Systems 6 EN / DE
75096 ENGB 75096 Project High-Frequency Amplifier Design 6 EN
75261 ENGB 15261 Project High-Frequency Integrated Circuit Design 6 EN
75519 ENGBMT 75519 Project Medical Wearables 4 EN
74763 ENGE 74763 Project Radar Design 5 EN
75447 ENGC 75447  Projekt Dialogsysteme für Ingenieure 6 EN / GE
75482 ENGDLR-QT 75482 Quantum Sensing II 4 EN
72075 ENGB 72075 Radio- Frequency Power- Amplifier Design 4 EN
70441 ENGC 70441 Satellite Communications and Navigation 4 EN
72461 ENGC 8030  Seminar Communications Engineering 3 EN / DE
75048 ENGB 75048 Seminar High-Frequency Circuits in Silicon Technologies 3 EN
75417 ENGA 75417 Seminar Microelectronics 3 EN
75574 ENGE 75574 Seminar Millimeter-Wave Antennas, Systems and Technology 3 EN
75313 ENGBMT 75313 Seminar on Biomedical Signal and Data Processing 3 EN
74173 ENGG 74173 Seminar Research Trends in the Internet of Things 3 EN / DE
75185 ENGE 75185 Seminar Research Trends Terahertz Technology and Applications 3 EN / DE
76012 ENGB 76012 Solid-State Sensors 6 EN
74764 ENGE 74764 Terahertz Sensors 5 EN

Contacts Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Martin Hitzler
Albert-Einstein-Allee 41
89081 Ulm
Raum 41.2.302
Telefon: 0731 50-26346

Room: 41.2.102
Telephone: +49 731 50-26006

Erasmus+ Coordinator

Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
89081 Ulm / Germany

Room: Uni-West 47.2.212
Phone:  +49-731-50-25476

Please note:

In order to attend Master's-level courses, you must have reached the equivalent level in your current studies. This means that, by the time you start at Ulm University,

  • either you must have formally completed a Bachelor's degree,
  • or you must have finished three years of successful study at a university (i.e., completed approx. 180 ECTS).

At the time of your application to Ulm University, you should have earned approx. 150 ECTS.