Bachelor's Courses

In the Bachelor's programs in engineering at Ulm University, the language of instruction for most courses is German. The few exceptions to this rule are listed below, along with additional recommended courses taught solely in German. The course "Technical Presentation Skills for Engineers" is always taught in English, and a few others may be offered in English if participitating students are not fluent in German (see courses marked "GE / EN").

Regularly offered courses in Winter Semester (October – February)

Module no. Course no. Course title
(click for module description)
ECTS Language
77104 ENGBMT 77104  Biomedizinische Technik III [Biomedical Engineering III] 5 GE
70380 ENGA 70380 Digitale Schaltungen [Digital Circuits] 4 GE
75522 ENGBMT 75522  Einführung Biomedizinische Technik [Introduction Biomedical Engineering] 7 GE
77068 ENGE 77068 Einführung in die Hochfrequenztechnik [Introduction to RF & Microwave Engineering] 7 GE
75558 ENGJ 75558 Einführung in die Nachrichtentechnik [Introduction to Communications Engineering] 7 GE
75456 ENGB 75456 Halbleiterbauelemente [Semiconductor Devices] 6 GE
75466 ENGC 75446  Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen für Ingenieure  6 GE / EN
71452 ENGFN 71452 Technical Presentation Skills for Engineers 3 EN
75223 ENGFN 70400 Technische Mechanik [Mechanics of Materials]  5 GE

Regularly offered courses in Summer Semester (April – August)

Module no. Course no.

Course title
(click for module description)

ECTS Language
72152 ENGB 72152  Analoge Schaltungen [Analog Circuits] 5 GE
75573 ENGC 75573  Anwendungsorientierte Software-Entwicklung [Application-Oriented Software Development] 3 GE
77103 ENGBMT 77103 Biomedizinische Technik II [Biomedical Engineering II] 7 GE
77084 ENGC 77084 Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen  [Multimodal User Interfaces] 6 GE
70389 ENGH 70389 Einführung in die Energietechnik [Introduction to Energy Technology] 4 GE
75455 ENGD 75455 Einführung in die Regelungstechnik [Introduction to Control Theory] 6 GE
75458 ENGG 75458  Projekt Mikrocontroller [Project Microcontroller] 5 GE / EN
75466 ENGC 75446  Projekt Multimodale Benutzerschnittstellen für Ingenieure  6 GE / EN
70398 ENGA 70398 Signalverarbeitung [Signal Processing] 6 GE
74760 ENGH 74760 Systems Engineering  6 GE
75459 ENGD 75459 Wissenschaftliche Software-Tools [Scientific software tools] 3 GE

Contacts Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Martin Hitzler
Albert-Einstein-Allee 41
89081 Ulm
Raum 41.2.302
Telefon: 0731 50-26346

Room: 41.2.102
Telephone: +49 731 50-26006

Erasmus+ Coordinator

Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
89081 Ulm / Germany

Room: Uni-West 47.2.212
Phone:  +49-731-50-25476