
Master of Science (MSc)


The integration of the Institute of Psychology and Education into the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences affords innovative research opportunities at the interface between human and machine. Our students are involved in the Institute's research activities through practical research experiences and their final thesis projects.

More about the course

The Master’s programme Psychology at Ulm University teaches in depth:

  • research methods and scientific work methods,
  • fundamental principles of psychological research (in the subjects Measurement, Testing and Evaluation, Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology as well as Cognition and Self-Regulation),
  • scientific and occupation-qualifying competences in the various fields of application of Psychology (Clinical Psychology, Health and Wellbeing, Human Resources and Organisation, Human Factors and Training).

Because of the new law concerning the education to become a therapist (Psychotherapeutengesetz, PsychThG) the B.Sc. Psychology as well as the M.Sc. Psychology are being modified. Please click here  for further information on this topic.

Academic Degree

Master of Science (MSc)

Type of Study
  • full-time
Admission regulations

further information

Start of Study
  • each winter semester
University Place


Course Language
  • German and English
Admission Requirements
  • restricted (for further information see 'Application')
ECTS Credits


Standard Period of Study