Cognitive Systems

Master of Science (MSc)

Cognitive Systems

Our cognitive functions allow us to interact with objects and persons in our environment, to smoothly adapt and react to external influences, and to gain knowledge. We do so by using various senses and relying on previous experiences from other contextual situations and our ability to learn, reason and plan future actions. Technical systems that implement or imitate the cognitive skills of humans are what we call cognitive systems. In order to implement such functionalities, systems must be equipped with capabilities for

  • perception and cognition,
  • learning and memory,
  • planning and reasoning for action control and problem solving, as well as
  • interaction.

More about the course

The master's programme "Cognitive Systems" at the University of Ulm is completely taught in English. The programme introduces students to the theoretical and empirical foundations of cognitive skills, which serve as the basis for the development of models. These models allow for connecting neuro-biological mechanisms, theoretically well-founded concepts, and cognitive behaviour and for analysing this in psychopysical studies and psychological tests. The results build the foundation for various applications, e.g., for the development of a new generation of assistance and companion systems, of intelligent robots or vehicles, intelligent gadgets and games, or even intelligent cities, with the goal of supporting and improving human performance.

Academic Degree

Master of Science (MSc)

Type of Study
  • full-time
Admission regulations

further information

Start of Study
  • each winter semester
University Place


Course Language
  • English
Admission Requirements
  • restricted (for further information see 'Application')
ECTS Credits


Standard Period of Study