Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL): Medaillen für Institute der Uni Ulm

Ulm University

The FLoC Olympic Games 2014, part of the Vienna Summer of Logics, brought together theorists and practitioners from all kinds of research areas within computational logic. In 14 competitions, several broadcasted live as Big Screen events, tools in different areas (e.g., automated theorem proving) were competing for the Kurt Gödel Olympic medals. Remarkably, in the OWL Reasoner Evaluation competition all six categories were won by tools from Ulm, Opens internal link in current windowInstitute of Artificial Intelligence: Konclude developed by Andreas Steigmiller, Thorsten Liebig and Birte Glimm and ELK, developed by Yevgeny Kazakov, Pavel Klinov, Markus Krötzsch (TU Dresden) and František Simančík (google) resulting in two Kurt Gödel medals.

Ebenso war die ORE Competition Teil der Olympischen Spiele. Hier gingen zwei weitere Medaillen an dasOpens internal link in current window Institut für theoretische Informatik der Universität Ulm:
zum einen an Dipl-Inf. Oliver Gableske, Doktorand,
zum anderen an Dr. Adrian Balint (bis vor kurzem an der Uni Ulm) und Institutsleiter Prof. Dr. Uwe Schöning.

Vienna Summer of Logic