More than a thousand hats fly through the air
First Academic Graduation Ceremony held on Münsterplatz is a complete success

Ulm University

Goosebumps in the heart of the city: on Friday 19 July, more than a thousand graduates from Ulm University were given a send-off on the big stage. The first joint graduation ceremony for all four faculties took place in perfect summer weather on Münsterplatz, with the subsequent party marking the start of the festive Schwörwochenende. The highlight of the ceremony was the moment when the newly graduated academics threw their hats into the air in front of the Münster. A moving sight for the guests of honour: Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Science, Petra Olschowski, and the Lord Mayor of Ulm, Martin Ansbacher.

It was a historic moment and a premiere that was a complete success and is set to become a tradition: The first joint graduation ceremony of Germany's highest altitude university took place on Friday at the foot of the world's tallest church tower. More than a thousand young people dressed in fine robes and smart shirts came to celebrate with their families, friends and the general public of Ulm that they had completed their studies – whether Bachelor's, Master's or PhD. To complete the outfit, Ulm University provided light blue sashes and black hats. To the sound of festive music, the newly graduated students filed into their seats in front of the stage on Münsterplatz in the afternoon. The square was well filled: a total of more than 5,000 tickets had been sold.

"We are happy to come down to the city," said Professor Michael Weber, President of Ulm University, in his welcoming address. After all, the university is part of the city – and has a great significance for the entire city, which, according to a recent study, is the most liveable in the whole of Germany. Ulm is characterized by the fact that people know each other. This personal touch is also present at the university, with its focused range of subjects and excellent research and teaching. Together with the Science Park and the companies that have settled there, it is the "power centre of the region", emphasized Weber. The president announced that this first graduation ceremony would certainly not be the last: "We'll do it every Friday before Schwörmontag!" The Lord Mayor of Ulm wholeheartedly agreed. "The university shows that it is part of this city," said Martin Ansbacher in his speech. "We are a unit." He paid tribute to the graduates: successfully completing a degree programme is not something that just happens – it requires knowledge, hard work, stamina and perseverance. The Lord Mayor encouraged them to look for a job in the area: "In Ulm, you have the best opportunities for your future. Stay here!"

The Baden-Württemberg Minister of Science, Petra Olschowski, also came to Ulm to bid farewell to the graduates. "The first graduation ceremony at Münsterplatz in connection with the highest Ulm holiday is a strong symbol of the close connection between the city and the university," emphasised the Minister. "Ulm University honours its graduates in this very special setting." Olschowski stressed the importance of the university for the future of the region: "With their excellent education, the young people from here are starting out on a promising future. They can approach and help shape the current challenges of our time with confidence and optimism."

The event was skilfully moderated by Dr Denise Burgert, Head of Press and
Public Relations at the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg. She interviewed two graduates of Ulm University on stage: Dr Jana Riegger-Koch, who now heads her own research group at the Orthopaedic Clinic, and media informatics specialist Hannah Kniesel, who is currently doing her doctorate at the university. Riegger-Koch gave the audience some advice: "Don't be too hard on yourself. You're not perfect, but you are excellent!" The university group Gato Sorriso accompanied the programme with samba music.

Before the countdown to the hat-throwing began, the university president once again addressed the young people who, after graduating, now have a new phase of life ahead of them: "Stay curious. Set yourself goals that are achievable, use the skills you have acquired here. These skills will carry you through life," said Professor Michael Weber. "You can be proud of what you have achieved." Then came the most spectacular image of the celebration: more than a thousand hats swirled through the sky against the backdrop of the cathedral.

After the official part of the ceremony, many graduates remained on the square for a long time to toast each other, take photos and be congratulated. The party continued at the "Schwör mal!" party with DJs Link the Beat & CaroLine, the band Blumengarten and the indie rockers Leoniden from Kiel. Their fans didn't even mind the rain that started to fall: they danced in front of the stage in a sea of ponchos before finally going to the afterparty at the Cocomo Club.

The Academic Graduation Ceremony was organised by the Marketing Department with the support of all faculties, the student body and the media team from Ulm University's Communication and Information Centre (kiz). The main sponsors of the graduation ceremony were Bite E-Recruiting and the Innovation Region Ulm.

Further information:
Diana Frankenhauser, Marketing Department, e-mail: diana.frankenhauser(at), phone: +49 731 50-25184

Text and media contact: Christine Liebhardt

Against the backdrop of Ulm Minster, the graduates of Ulm University threw their hats into the air
Against the backdrop of Ulm Minster, the graduates of Ulm University threw their hats into the air (Photo: Elvira Eberhardt / Ulm University)
Lord Mayor Martin Ansbacher and Science Minister Petra Olschowski with Ulm University President Professor Michael Weber
The guests of honour (from left) Lord Mayor Martin Ansbacher and Science Minister Petra Olschowski with Ulm University President Professor Michael Weber (Photo: Daniela Stang / Ulm University)
Presenter Dr Denise Burgert and Ulm University President Professor Michael Weber look out from the stage onto Münsterplatz
Well attended: Presenter Dr Denise Burgert and Ulm University President Professor Michael Weber look out from the stage onto Münsterplatz (Photo: Elvira Eberhardt / Ulm University)
Excellent mood at Schwör mal!-Party
Excellent mood at Schwör mal!-Party (Foto: Samuel Tschaffon / Uni Ulm)
In the evening, the indie band Leoniden from Kiel rocked the Münsterplatz
In the evening, the indie band Leoniden from Kiel rocked the Münsterplatz (Photo: Samuel Tschaffon / Ulm University)