Keynote speaker at the "9th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML)"

Ulm University

Prof. Thom Frühwirth, University of Ulm, will be invited Keynote speaker at the "9th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML)". The conference takes place in Berlin from August 2 to 5.

He shares this honor with the renowned scientist Prof. Michael Genesereth from Stanford University. Both also share the passion for the field of "Computational Logic". It is concerned with the practical application of mathematical logic in computer science.

In his keynote address, Prof. Frühwirth will give an overview of the theory and practice of his logic-based programming "Constraint Handling Rules", which is now used in more than 200 projects worldwide. Its applications range from software for stock broking and intelligent robotic vehicles to data filtering for experiments at CERN.

For more information, see (Konferenz) (Constraint Handling Rules)