High-ranking delegation from Indonesia visits Ulm University
The island state expands strategic relations in semiconductor research and microelectronics

Ulm University

A high-ranking delegation from Indonesia, led by the Indonesian Ambassador His Excellency Arif Havas Oegroseno, visited Ulm University to find out about research activities, cooperation partners and study programmes in semiconductor research and microelectronics. Ulm University enjoys an excellent reputation in this field in the world's largest island state. A solemnly signed "Letter of Intent" confirms the desire for future co-operation.

The visit to Ulm University was one of four stages of the "Semiconductor Education Roadshow 2024 - Indonesia - Germany". Indonesia, which is one of the most populous and economically strongest countries in the world, would like to expand the strategic partnership for research and education in semiconductor technology in a targeted manner. The 50 members of the delegation included numerous representatives from the Indonesian consulate and embassy as well as members of several Indonesian ministries, universities and research institutions. The world's largest island state has a long-standing and close partnership with Germany, particularly in the economic and educational fields. More than ten thousand young people from Indonesia are currently studying in Germany, many of them in STEM subjects.

Word of Ulm University's good reputation has spread to the island state
The delegation was received in the Yellow Lecture Hall at the University West, where they were welcomed by host Professor Carl Krill, Dean of Studies for Engineering. The Deputy Director of the Institute for Functional Nanosystems warmly welcomed the high-ranking group of visitors in the guests' native language. University President Professor Michael Weber then presented the university's main areas of research and handed over the university mascot to the Indonesian ambassador. "The little Ulm University bear with its graduate hat represents all future Indonesian students who will graduate or do their doctorate at Ulm University," said Weber. The delegation came to Ulm because German companies enjoy a great reputation in Indonesia and graduates of Ulm University have an excellent reputation in many large companies. German company executives recommended Ulm University to the Indonesian ambassador as one of the locations where students receive an excellent education in the field of microelectronics and semiconductor technology.

In his short speech, the Indonesian Ambassador His Excellency Arif Havas Oegroseno explained the background to the visit. He had been commissioned by the Indonesian government to establish cooperation with German universities and research institutions in order to advance Indonesia in the field of semiconductor technology. The country, which has developed excellently economically - with economic growth of more than five per cent and a low unemployment rate - is increasingly relying on high technology for the future in order to make further economic progress. Ulm is one of the best places to study microelectronics, which is why they are now here on the university campus. With the intention of strengthening and expanding the cooperation in the future, a "Letter of Intent" was also ceremoniously signed at the event in the lecture theatre - by the Ambassador of Indonesia and the President of Ulm University. A memorandum of understanding based on this is already in the works.

Study programmes with links to semiconductor research were presented

The two English-language Master's degree programmes "Communication and Information Technology" (CIT) and "Quantum Engineering" (QE) were of particular interest to the international visitors. In close connection with research, these degree programmes impart interdisciplinary basic and application knowledge in the field of microelectronics and communication and information technology respectively and thus offer close links to semiconductor and quantum research. The QE degree programme in particular, which is coordinated by the Faculty of Natural Sciences, has an interdisciplinary focus. The degree programmes were presented by Professor Maurits Ortmanns, Head of the Institute of Microelectronics. Representatives from the degree programme coordination office and the International Office provided information on practical questions about studying in Ulm and the support services available locally. Finally, the delegation members had the opportunity to visit various specialised laboratories in electrical engineering and other areas of engineering to gain a personal impression of the research and training infrastructure at the university. After a convivial end to the visit, the guests were bid farewell. What remained was the impression of a cordial and lively encounter, which will certainly form a good basis for further cooperation and exchange programmes.

Further information:

Prof Carl Krill, PhD, Deputy Director of the Institute of Functional Nanosystems, e-mail: carl.krill(at)uni-ulm.de

Text and media contact: Andrea Weber-Tuckermann

Translated by DeepL



Group Foto Indonesian Delegation
A fifty-strong delegation from Indonesia, led by Indonesian Ambassador His Excellency Arif Havas Oegroseno, visited the university. In the picture: the delegation members and the host team (Foto: Elvira Eberhardt / Ulm University)
Prof. Krill welcomes Indonesian Delegation
Prof Carl Krill, Dean of Studies for Engineering Sciences, welcomes the Indonesian delegation in the Yellow Lecture Hall at Ulm University (Foto: Press Office Ulm University)
Indonesian Delegation in the Auditorium
Ulm University's English-language study programme attracts great interest from guests (Foto: Press Office Ulm University)
Signing the Letter of Intent
Indonesian Ambassador Arif Havas Oegroseno (left) and the President of Ulm University Prof Michael Weber signing the "Letter of Intent" (Foto: Press Office Ulm University)
convivial conclusion of the delegation visit
Good atmosphere at the convivial conclusion of the delegation visit (Foto: Press Office Ulm University)