EduEye: Workshop on Eye Tracking in Learning and Education (2024 @ ETRA)

*** EduEye 2024 will take place as part of ETRA 2024 in Glasgow ***

Workshop Description

In the ever-evolving landscape of education and learning, where digital platforms and remote teaching methods have become increasingly prevalent, the role of eye tracking technology emerges as an exciting tool with various applications. This innovative workshop delves into the dynamic interplay of eye tracking in educational settings, exploring its dual role as both an active input strategy in interactive learning environments and a passive sensor for deeper insights into cognitive processes.

As a passive sensor, eye tracking technology unveils intricate layers of learners' cognitive, affective, and attentive states, offering a nuanced understanding of individual learning patterns, strategies, and difficulties. This information is pivotal in tailoring educational material and methods to optimize learning outcomes. In its active capacity, eye tracking enriches collaborative learning experiences, bridging gaps between learners and educators, enhancing comprehension and problem-solving skills through shared gaze dynamics.

However, the integration of eye tracking in education is not without its challenges. Technical, methodological, and ethical questions arise, especially in the context of its application in 'real-world' classrooms and diverse learning environments. The workshop aims to address these critical issues, discussing the ethical implications of gaze data, particularly in relation to minors, and exploring ways to responsibly handle and interpret this sensitive information.

This workshop invites a confluence of researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts from various fields, including eye tracking, human-computer interaction, psychology, and learning sciences. It's an opportunity to share innovative ideas, research breakthroughs, and practical solutions, all aimed at harnessing the full potential of eye tracking in education while conscientiously navigating its challenges. Join us in this exploratory journey to redefine the boundaries of educational technology and create a more intuitive, responsive, and effective learning environment for all.

Workshop Program (preliminary)

Event Schedule

11:00 Introduction and Welcome

11:15 Keynote Speech (by Jürgen Mottok) and Discussion

An Educational Perspective on Eye Tracking in Engineering Sciences

12:00 First Paper Session with the Following Papers:

  • Wunmin Jang: Exploring Communication Dynamics: Eye-tracking Analysis in Pair Programming of CS Education
  • Tobias Appel: Fluid Intelligence and Mental Effort during Block Programming: What the Eyes Can Tell Us
  • Dominik Bittner: Uncovering Learning Styles through Eye Tracking and Artificial Intelligence

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 Second Paper Session with the Following Papers:

  • Prasanth Chandran: Characterizing Learners' Complex Attentional States During Online Multimedia Learning Using Eye-tracking, Egocentric Camera, Webcam, and Retrospective Recalls
  • Are Dæhlen: Towards More Accurate Help: Informing Teachers how to Support NDD Children by Serious Games and Eye Tracking Technologies
  • Muhammad Arief Nugroho: Meticulous Acquisition System for Tracking User’s Natural Kinetics (MAS TUNK): An Approach in Eye Tracking Dataset Collection for Neural Network Training

15:00 Additional Project Presentations by Jürgen Bluhm and Quentin Metier

15:50 Wrap Up


We are happy to announce that Prof. Jürgen Mottok will give the keynote for our workshop!

An Educational Perspective on Eye Tracking in Engineering Sciences

This keynote talk delves into the dynamic area of eye tracking education within engineering science, where students acquire a variety of skills crucial for empirical research. Through a carefully designed curriculum, students not only gain theoretical insights but also gain hands-on experience regarding general empirical research methodologies, the eye tracking technology, and the use of computer science or statistics for data analysis. Central to this educational paradigm is a novel teaching approach based on pair-teaching and research-based learning methodologies, which will be explained in detail within this talk. Drawing on concrete examples of eye tracking studies, this talk unveils the efficacy of this educational model in promoting comprehensive competency development among students, thus demonstrating new ways for enriching engineering education

Topics of Interest

  • Cognitive, affective, and attentional insights through eye tracking in diverse learning environments.
  • Enhancing teacher-student and peer interactions in digital learning spaces.
  • Eye tracking in AR, VR, and AI-enhanced educational settings.
  • The role of eye tracking in adaptive and accessible learning technologies.
  • Privacy and ethical considerations in the application of eye tracking in education.
  • Collaborative learning in remote and hybrid models enhanced by eye tracking.
  • Development and implementation of eye tracking devices for educational purposes.
  • Crowd-sourced and large-scale eye tracking studies in educational research.
  • Eye tracking for understanding reading and learning strategies in digital contexts.
  • Instructional design and multimedia learning integration with eye tracking.
  • Exploring gaze behavior and expertise in specialized fields like medicine through eye tracking


We welcome participants from the fields of human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, computer science, eye tracking, and learning sciences.

Important Dates

Submission until

March 8, 2024


March 20, 2024
Camera ready deadline March 28, 2024
Workshop June 6, 2024

All dates are Anywhere on Earth time unless specified otherwise.


is a postdoctoral researcher at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology in Tübingen. His research is situated at the intersection of computer science and educational science, with a methodological focus on eye tracking and physiological sensors.

is a postdoctoral researcher at the HumanTech Institute at the School of Engineering in Fribourg, and also in a clinical and health psychology research unit at the University of Fribourg. His research interests are the use of psychophysiological signals in various domains such as automated driving, education, or digitalization. He was recently involved in a project using eye tracking and artificial intelligence to enhance metacognition of nursing students.

is an academic researcher at the Cooperative State University Baden-Wuerttemberg in Heilbronn and also lectures at the University of Munich and Fresenius University, Cologne. With over 30 years of experience in Eye-Tracking research he focuses on Shopper Research, UX Design and Educational Research. His current project Eyedea is about using Eye-Tracking in the classroom to quantify attention.

Steering Commitee

is a postdoctoral cognitive psychologist at Ulm University in the project ``Gaze-assisted scalable interaction paradigms for pervasive classrooms''. His research interests are in human perception and visual attention in applied contexts outside the classical lab. He has already organized the Conference for Experimental Psychologists '21 (TeaP '21), EduEye 2022 and webinars on online experiments.

is a assistant professor in the human-centered computing section at the University of Copenhagen. Her research interests are in human-computer interaction, in particular, extended reality and eye tracking. She co-organized the workshop on Eyewear Computing at UbiComp 2021, was Short Paper co-chair of ETRA 2021, and co-organized the German Pre-CHI Event 2020 and the Virtual German CHI Event 2020. She was also main organizer  of the first edition of the EduEye workshop in 2022.

is an Associate Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Chur, Switzerland. His main research interests are in information visualization, visual analytics, data science, and eye tracking. He organized and co-chaired the workshops on eye tracking and visualization (ETVIS) in the past four editions and is now in the steering committee of ETVIS. Moreover, he was paper co-chair of VisSoft 2019, VINCI 2019, 2021 as well as general chair of VINCI 2020 and 2022.


EduEye 2022

Go to the Archive of EduEye 2022 (virtual)