Investigation of digital biomarkers to predict the effects of the targeted memory reactivation (TMR) during sleep in the treatment of traumatic, emotional socially-aversive memories

Ulm University

Imagery Rescripting (ImR) is a psychotherapeutic technique using verbalization and processing of traumatic memories in imagination to modulate and overcome associated. In our recently completed study, n = 80 participants underwent an ImR memory modulation procedure of traumatic, socially-aversive memory.

Before, during, and after the memory modulation (ImR), the participants wore the Empatica E4 wristband, which is equipped with an accelerometer, photoplethysmography, temperature, and electrodermal activity sensor. Using the collected physiological signals, we aim to identify digital biomarkers correlating with potential changes in the physiological stress reaction associated with the traumatic social memory. In addition, we seek to investigate the physiological stress activity before and during ImR treatment to identify possible physiological predictors of therapy treatment response.

In this project, you will be able to work with collected data from a recent study in a project that aims to connect physiological signals to mental states. You will expand your skills in developing and applying data analysis and machine learning methods and contribute to a real-world research project.

For further information please contact Luzius Brogli by e-mail.

How to apply

To apply for a project, please contact the responsible person via email with your name, email, study field and semester. Please also attach in pdf format your

  • short CV (~1 page),
  • transcripts,
  • previous project reports (if available),
  • and a short motivation (1 paragraph) why this would be the right project for you.

We will then contact you and work out a detailed project description and a learning agreement that are best suitable for you.

We are looking forward working with you!