

Leach S, Krugliakova E, Sousouri G, Snipes S, Skorucak J, Schühle S, Müller M, Ferster ML, Da Poian G, Karlen W, others . Acoustically evoked K-complexes together with sleep spindles boost verbal declarative memory consolidation in healthy adults. Scientific Reports. 2024; 14(1):19184.
Krugliakova E, Volk C, Birnbaum N, Gutjahr D, Gerstenberg M, Ferster M, Da Poian G, Karlen W, Jaramillo V, Huber R. Phase-targeted auditory stimulation during sleep to boost cross-frequency coupling between slow waves and spindles in children with ADHD. Sleep Medicine. 2024; 11525—26.
Semkiv K, Schreiner SJ, Blaser GE, Baumann CR, Karlen W. Predicting MDS-UPDRS-III score changes using mobile device biomarkers. In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 2024. p. 575—578.
Huwiler S, Ferster ML, Brogli L, Huber R, Karlen W, Lustenberger C. Sleep and cardiac autonomic modulation in older adults: Insights from an at-home study with auditory deep sleep stimulation. Journal of Sleep Research. 2024; e14328.
Moser N, Horlacher J, Schreiner S, Sassenburg R, Ferster M, Kampf L, Mutschler V, Skorucak J, Fattinger S, Karlen W, others . Sleeping soundly: exploring the effect of auditory stimulation during sleep on daytime sleepiness in Parkinson’s disease. Sleep Medicine. 2024; 115S241—S242.
Recher D, Rohde J, Da Poian G, Henninger M, Brogli L, Huber R, Karlen W, Lustenberger C, Kleim B. Targeted memory reactivation during sleep improves emotional memory modulation following imagery rescripting. Translational Psychiatry. 2024; 14(1):490.
Leach S, Krugliakova E, Sousouri G, Snipes S, Skorucak J, Schühle S, Müller M, Ferster M, Da Poian G, Karlen W, others . The missing link between acoustically evoked K-complexes and verbal memory consolidation during sleep. Sleep Medicine. 2024; 115S199.


Meinke A, Spörri J, Brogli L, Schwab P, Karlen W. Addressing the unresolved challenge of quantifying skiing exposure—A proof of concept using smartphone sensors. Frontiers in sports and active living. 2023; 51157987.
Gumussu TC, Da Poian G, Cortesi S, Karlen W. Real-Time Detection of Sleep Arousals with a Head-Mounted Accelerometer. In: 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2023. p. 1—4.
Garatva P, Terhorst Y, Meßner E, Karlen W, Pryss R, Baumeister H. Smart Sensors for Health Research and Improvement. In: Montag, Christian and Baumeister, Harald, editors. Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2023. p. 395--411.      [DOI]      [File] 
Tilborg PJ, Tolner EA, Meijer OC, Boon MR, Upton TJ, Lightman SL, Karlen W, Terwindt GM, Lammers GJ, Fronczek R. The enigmatic triangle of cluster headache attacks, sleep and the biological clock: rationale and protocol of the CIESTA study. In: CEPHALALGIA. 2023. p. 84—85.


Albrecht JN, Jaramillo V, Huber R, Karlen W, Baumann CR, Brotschi B. Technical Feasibility of Using Auditory Phase-Targeted Stimulation after Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in an Intensive Care Setting. BMC Pediatrics. 2022 Oct.; 22(1):616.      [DOI] 
Lu P, Ghiasi S, Hagenah J, Hai HB, Hao NV, Khanh PNQ, Khoa LDV,  VC, Thwaites L, Clifton DA, Zhu T. Classification of Tetanus Severity in Intensive-Care Settings for Low-Income Countries Using Wearable Sensing. Sensors. 2022 Aug.; 22(17):6554.      [DOI] 
Hung TM, Van Hao N, Yen LM, McBride A, Dat VQ, van Doorn HR, Loan HT, Phong NT, Llewelyn MJ, Nadjm B, Yacoub S, Thwaites CL, Ahmed S, Van Vinh Chau N, Turner HC,  TVITAL(I. Direct Medical Costs of Tetanus, Dengue, and Sepsis Patients in an Intensive Care Unit in Vietnam. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022 Jun.; 10893200.      [DOI] 
Ghiasi S, Zhu T, Lu P, Hagenah J, Khanh PNQ, Hao NV,  VC, Thwaites L, Clifton DA. Sepsis Mortality Prediction Using Wearable Monitoring in Low Middle Income Countries. Sensors. 2022 May; 22(10):3866.      [DOI] 
Ming DK, Tuan NM, Hernandez B, Sangkaew S, Vuong NL, Chanh HQ, Chau NVV, Simmons CP, Wills B, Georgiou P, Holmes AH, Yacoub S,  VC. The Diagnosis of Dengue in Patients Presenting With Acute Febrile Illness Using Supervised Machine Learning and Impact of Seasonality. Frontiers in Digital Health. 2022 Mar.; 4849641.      [DOI] 
Ming DK, Hernandez B, Sangkaew S, Vuong NL, Lam PK, Nguyet NM, Tam DTH, Trung DT, Tien NTH, Tuan NM, Chau NVV, Tam CT, Chanh HQ, Trieu HT, Simmons CP, Wills B, Georgiou P, Holmes AH, Yacoub S, Vietnam ICU Translational Applications Laboratory (VITAL) investigators} {. Applied Machine Learning for the Risk-Stratification and Clinical Decision Support of Hospitalised Patients with Dengue in Vietnam. PLOS Digital Health. 2022 Jan.; 1(1):e0000005.      [DOI] 
Coleman J, Ginsburg AS, Macharia WM, Ochieng R, Chomba D, Zhou G, Dunsmuir D, Karlen W, Ansermino JM. Assessment of neonatal respiratory rate variability. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 2022; ahead of print.      [DOI]  [Weblink] 
Lustenberger C, Ferster ML, Huwiler S, Brogli L, Werth E, Huber R, Karlen W. Auditory deep sleep stimulation in older adults at home: a randomized crossover trial. Communications Medicine. 2022; 2(1):30.      [DOI]      [File] 
Schreiner S, Fattinger S, Horlacher J, Da Poian G, Kampf L, Scandella M, Sassenburg R, Jaramillo V, Brogli L, Karlen W, others . Auditory Slow Wave Activity Enhancement during Sleep in Patients with {{Parkinson}} Disease. In: JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. 2022.
Krugliakova E, Volk C, Ferster M, Da Poian G, Karlen W, Huber R. Auditory Stimulation during Sleep Boosts Slow-Wave-Spindles Coupling in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ({{ADHD}}). In: JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. 2022.
Ferster ML, Da Poian G, Menachery K, Schreiner S, Lustenberger C, Maric A, Huber R, Baumann C, Karlen W. Benchmarking real-time algorithms for in-phase auditory stimulation of low amplitude slow waves with wearable EEG devices during sleep. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2022; 69(9):2916-25.      [DOI]      [File] 
Krugliakova E, Skorucak J, Sousouri G, Leach S, Snipes S, Ferster ML, Da Poian G, Karlen W, Huber R. Boosting Recovery during Sleep by Means of Auditory Stimulation. Frontiers in neuroscience. 2022; 16      [DOI] 
Schneider N, Ferster M, Lustenberger C, Schlegel J, Schmid P, Lane L, Karlen W, Huber R, Baumann C, Maric A. Can Phase-Targeted Auditory Stimulation (PTAS) during Sleep Counteract Effects of Chronic Sleep Restriction?. In: JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. 2022.
Ansermino JM, Ginsburg AS, Dunsmuir D, Karlen W, Gan H, Njeru CM, Dumont GA. Counting: An Imprecise Reference Standard for Respiratory Rate Measurement. Pediatric pulmonology. 2022;      [DOI] 
Scebba G, Zhang J, Catanzaro S, Mihai C, Distler O, Berli M, Karlen W. Detect-and-segment: A deep learning approach to automate wound image segmentation. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 2022; 29100884.      [DOI]      [File] 
Meinke A, Peters R, Knols R, Swanenburg J, Karlen W. Feedback on Trunk Movements From an Electronic Game to Improve Postural Balance in People With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Serious Games. 2022; 10(2):e31685.      [DOI]  [Weblink]      [File] 
Chiu N, Huwiler S, Ferster ML, Karlen W, Wu H, Lustenberger C. Get rid of the beat in mobile EEG applications: A framework towards automated cardiogenic artifact detection and removal in single-channel EEG. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2022; 72(A):103220.      [DOI]      [File] 
Sousouri G, Krugliakova E, Skorucak J, Leach S, Snipes S, Ferster ML, Da Poian G, Karlen W, Huber R. Neuromodulation by means of phase-locked auditory stimulation affects key marker of excitability and connectivity during sleep. Sleep. 2022; 45(1):zsab204.      [DOI]      [File] 
Meinke A, Maschio C, Meier M, Karlen W, Swanenburg J. The Association of Fear of Movement and Postural Sway in People with Low Back Pain. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022; (13):      [DOI]  [Pubmed]  [Weblink]      [File] 


Ferretti A, Ienca M, Sheehan M, Blasimme A, Dove ES, Farsides B, Friesen P, Kahn J, Karlen W, Kleist P, Liao SM, Nebeker C, Samuel G, Shabani M, Rivas Velarde M, Vayena E. Ethics review of big data research: What should stay and what should be reformed?. BMC Medical Ethics. 2021 Dec.; 22(1):51.      [DOI]      [File] 
Meinke A, Peters R, Knols R, Karlen W, Swanenburg J. Exergaming Using Postural Feedback From Wearable Sensors and Exercise Therapy to Improve Postural Balance in People With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Factorial Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 2021 Aug.; 10(8):e26982.      [DOI]      [File] 
Snipes S, Huber R, Karlen W. A response to Basner et al. (2021): “Response speed measurements on the psychomotor vigilance task: how precise is precise enough?". Sleep. 2021 Jul.; 44(7):      [DOI]      [File] 
Zhang J, Mihai C, Tüshaus L, Scebba G, Distler O, Karlen W. Wound Image Quality From a Mobile Health Tool for Home-Based Chronic Wound Management With Real-Time Quality Feedback: Randomized Feasibility Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2021 Jul.; 9(7):e26149.      [DOI]      [File] 
Coleman J, Ginsburg AS, Macharia WM, Ochieng R, Zhou G, Dunsmuir D, Karlen W, Ansermino JM. Identification of thresholds for accuracy comparisons of heart rate and respiratory rate in neonates. Gates Open Research. 2021 Jun.; 593.      [DOI]      [File] 
Fröhlich S, Helbling M, Fucentese SF, Karlen W, Frey WO, Spörri J. Injury risks among elite competitive alpine skiers are underestimated if not registered prospectively, over the entire season and regardless of whether requiring medical attention. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2021 May; 29(5):1635--1643.      [DOI]      [File] 
Schwab P, Karlen W. A Deep Learning Approach to Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis from Smartphone Data. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2021 Apr.; 25(4):1284--1291.      [DOI]      [File] 
Zhang J, Karlen W. A novel quality indicator for displaying and comparing the missingness of the PPG derived respiratory rate. In: Society for Technology in Anaesthesia Annual Meeting 2021 (STA 2021). 2021. p. 67.      [DOI] 
Clark I, Stucky B, Azza Y, Schwab P, Müller S, Weibel D, Button D, Karlen W, Seifritz E, Kleim B, Landolt H. Diurnal variations in multi-sensor wearable-derived sleep characteristics in morning- and evening-type shift workers under naturalistic conditions. Chronobiology International. 2021; 38(12):1702-1713.      [DOI]      [File] 
Scebba G, Da Poian G, Karlen W. Multispectral Video Fusion for Non-Contact Monitoring of Respiratory Rate and Apnea. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2021; 68(1):350--9.      [DOI]      [File] 

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