UUlm – Communication and Information Center (kiz) https://www.uni-ulm.de News of the Communication and Information Center (kiz) of Ulm University en Ulm University Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:31:43 +0200 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:31:43 +0200 TYPO3 EXT:news news-51136 Thu, 15 Feb 2024 09:31:31 +0100 OPARU: Update to version DSpace7 completed https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/oparu-update-auf-version-dspace7-beendet/ The system of the university repository OPARU has been updated to the current version DSpace7. Since Tuesday afternoon (13 February), publications and research data can be submitted, edited and published in the current version DSpace7.
You can start a new publication or continue working on an existing one by clicking on “My OPARU” after logging in.
The system may also be temporarily unavailable in the near future due to minor maintenance work in the course of the changeover.


news-50775 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 09:16:50 +0100 JAMA specialized journals available on campus network https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/alle-jama-fachzeitschriften-verfuegbar/ The Medical Faculty has added all of JAMA's specialized Journals to its 2024 journal portfolio.
We are happy to announce that all JAMA titles are already available as of now on the campus network via a trial access bridging the remainder of 2023.

The following journals are included in the license:

  • JAMA Cardiology
  • JAMA Dermatology
  • JAMA Internal Medicine
  • JAMA Neurology
  • JAMA Oncology
  • JAMA Ophthalmology
  • JAMA Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
  • JAMA Pediatrics
  • JAMA Psychiatry
  • JAMA Surgery


news-50734 Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:21:00 +0100 DEAL: Elsevier Agreement starting as of 22. Nov. 2023 https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/deal-elsevier-teilnahme-ab-22112023/ Ulm University, together with University Medical Center Ulm, will participate in the DEAL contract with Elsevier starting Nov. 22nd 2023. This means for you:


  • Reading access to over 2,200 Elsevier journals (from 1995)
  • Reading access to The Lancet
  • Reading access for Cell Press

The journals can be searched via the EZB and the library catalogue. The contents are offered on the ScienceDirect platform. Make sure that you are accessing from the campus network before you start your search.


  • Corresponding authors with affiliation to Ulm University or University Medical Center Ulm publish under a CC-BY license in the publisher's subscription journals at no additional cost. A list of titles is available online.
  • Discounted publishing in the publisher's fully gold open access journals:
    • 20% discount in Elsevier's fully gold open access journals
    • 15% discount in Cell Press and The Lancet fully gold open access journals

For which articles does the DEAL agreement apply?

  • Articles in subscription journals: Articles accepted for publication from 22.11.2023 will be published under the DEAL conditions and will receive a CC-BY license at no additional cost (date accepted).
  • Articles in Fully Gold Open Access journals:
    • The date of submission (date submitted) applies here. All articles submitted from 22.11.2023 in this journal category will receive a discount.
    • The articles will be invoiced to the university quarterly by collective invoice.
    • The central funding conditions for Open Access funding continue to apply.
    • The authors' share of the APC will be passed on to the authors.

Further information

In accordance with the Open-Access-Resolution of Ulm University, authors are encouraged to use the CC-BY license in order to retain the exclusive rights of use to their own content. CC-BY is already specified as the standard for license selection. Please note that the exclusive rights of use to your own content are already transferred to the publisher with the CC-BY-NC license selection.

Authors at the University Medical Center Ulm: Authors of the Medical Faculty of Ulm University often publish under an affiliation to the University Medical Center Ulm. As an affiliated institution, the University Medical Center Ulm is co-administered by the university in order to ensure the smoothest possible publication process for medical articles.

Information page Open Access Funding

Queries by e-mail or by telephone +49 (0) 731 50 - 154 76


news-50718 Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:37:45 +0100 Alert message: Current wave of phishing via Moodle https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/warnmeldung-aktuelle-phishingwelle-per-moodle/ Due to current events, we must urgently warn you of a phishing attack against members of the University of Ulm.

The emails are currently being sent via Moodle with the subject "Seminar veg. physiology discussion of the discussion questions". The content of the e-mail asks the recipient to open an external link. The link takes the recipient to a fake homepage and captures the access data entered. These can then be used for further attacks, for example.

How can you recognize these fake e-mails?

  • Currently, the following subject line is being used, among others "Seminar veg. physiology discussion of the discussion questions"
  • Check not only the sender's name, but also the email address for authenticity: max.mustermann@uni-ulm.de (move the mouse pointer slowly over the email address)
  • Check all links that you receive by e-mail (move the mouse pointer slowly over the e-mail address)
  • The content of the emails attempts to put pressure on the recipient to take action (in this case, to disclose access data)

What should you do if you receive such an e-mail?

  • Do not open any unknown external links or file attachments.
  • Do not enter any login data (user name and password).
  • If you have already entered login data or opened an unknown attachment (e.g. in .html format), you must immediately change the corresponding password(s) and arrange for a virus scanner scan. Please pay attention to any conspicuous behavior of your account/workstation computer. If you notice any suspicious behavior, please report it immediately to helpdesk(at)uni-ulm.de or cert(at)uni-ulm.de

Please note the general information on the secure handling of e-mails on the kiz information security portal.

news-50672 Tue, 07 Nov 2023 08:55:57 +0100 NEJM Evidence added to medical journal portfolio https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/nejm-evidence-ab-sofort-verfuegbar/ The Medical Faculty has added NEJM Evidence to its 2024 journal portfolio.
We are happy to announce that the title is already available as of now on the campus network via a trial access bridging the remainder of 2023. NEJM Evidence is available both on the publisher's homepage and in Ovid.


news-50655 Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:47:11 +0100 Alert: critical vulnerability in Apache ActiveMQ (CVE-2023-46604) https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/alert-critical-vulnerability-in-apache-activemq-cve-2023-46604/ On October 25, 2023, a critical vulnerability in the open source message broker Apache ActiveMQ was disclosed. The vulnerability is listed with the CVE number CVE-2023-46604 and has a CVSS rating of 10.0 ("critical"). It allows remote attackers with network access to an ActiveMQ broker to execute arbitrary shell commands. By manipulating serialized class types in the OpenWire protocol, arbitrary classes can be instantiated in the classpath. The vulnerability is caused by insecure deserialization (CWE-502). [...]

Which versions are affected:

  • Apache ActiveMQ 5.18.0 vor 5.18.3
  • Apache ActiveMQ 5.17.0 vor 5.17.6
  • Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.0 vor 5.16.7
  • Apache ActiveMQ vor 5.15.16
  • Apache ActiveMQ Legacy OpenWire Module 5.18.0 vor 5.18.3
  • Apache ActiveMQ Legacy OpenWire Module 5.17.0 vor 5.17.6
  • Apache ActiveMQ Legacy OpenWire Module 5.16.0 vor 5.16.7
  • Apache ActiveMQ Legacy OpenWire Module 5.8.0 vor 5.15.16

What needs to be done:

Patches are already available to fix these vulnerabilities. A detailed overview of IOCs (Indicators of Compromise) and further information can be found in the attached BSI document.

news-50064 Thu, 05 Oct 2023 07:49:00 +0200 Mattermost security update https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/sicherheitsupdate-fuer-mattermost/ Facts:

The developer "Mattermost Inc." released updates on Oct 2nd & 3rd that fix several security-critical vulnerabilities in the products mobile & desktop app for "Mattermost".


The combination of closed vulnerabilities was given a CVSS-Basse score of 8.8 by the vendor.

Recommended Action:

    Perform the latest update
    Regularly check for available updates (possibly activate the automatic update)
    Subscribing to the security newsletter of the manufacturer



news-50473 Sun, 01 Oct 2023 16:39:00 +0200 Test-Time for Thieme's Complete Textbook Collection https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/test-time-thieme-lehrbuecher-2023-volltest/ For the upcoming two months, until November 30th, all titles of the Thieme E-Book Library "Studium und Lehre" are freely accessible via our campus network.

At the end of the year, we will decide which Thieme e-books the kiz will offer in 2024 on the basis of usage statistics, user reactions, but also in accordance with our financial possibilities. Feedback and requests can be sent to our helpdesk.


news-50303 Fri, 11 Aug 2023 10:16:04 +0200 Update for Zoom Desktop Client (older than version 5.15.6) mandatory https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/update-fuer-zoom-desktop-client-aelter-als-version-5156-zwingend-erforderlich/ Date: Monday, 14.08.2023

This message concerns you if you use the Zoom Service of the University of Ulm and your computer is NOT administered by the kiz. If you are using version 5.15.6 or newer (or no desktop client at all), or a machine administered by the kiz (e.g. in the ZUV area), you can ignore the rest of this message.

Virtually all older Zoom desktop clients have several serious security problems. We will therefore administratively disable the use of older versions on

Monday, 14.08.2023.

If you are still using a version older than 5.15.6 at that time, you will not be able to run any more Zoom meetings with your desktop client until you update. We recommend updating to the latest version (currently this is 5.15.6).

    How do I determine the version number of my Zoom Desktop Client?
    - Start your Zoom Desktop Client.
    - Click on your profile picture in the top right corner, then <help> / <About Zoom>.
    (if you don't have a profile picture, you'll probably see your initials there).

    How do I perform the update?
    - Launch your Zoom desktop client.
    - Click on your profile picture in the top right corner, then <check for updates>.
    (if you don't have a profile picture, then you'll probably see your initials there).

If the menu item <check for updates> does not show up for you, then you have a really! old version and please download the latest version of the "Zoom Client for Meetings" from uni-ulm.zoom.us/download.

If you manage your computer yourself, you can configure your Zoom Client for automatic updates: blog.zoom.us/get-automatic-updates-in-the-zoom-client/

kiz, Zoom-Admin of the University of Ulm

news-49909 Tue, 09 May 2023 14:29:08 +0200 Royal Society: free journal access until September 30th https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/royal-society-freier-zeitschriftenzugang-bis-3009/ The Royal Society offers a trial period of several months until September 30, 2023 for various journals to Ulm University. The content is available from the campus network (Eduroam, VPN). There is access to the following journals:



news-49676 Fri, 31 Mar 2023 12:30:25 +0200 Warning against a current phishing wave against members of the University of Ulm https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/warunung-vor-einer-aktuellen-phishing-welle-gegen-mitglieder-der-universitaet-ulm/ Due to recent events we have to warn you urgently about a serious phishing attack against members of the University of Ulm.

The e-mails are currently being sent, for example, by "Uni-ulm WEB-INFO". The content of the email informs the recipient that their email password is supposedly expiring and needs to be renewed. A link leads the recipient to a fake homepage and fishes off entered access data. These can then be used for further attacks, for example.

How can you recognize these fake emails?

  • Check not only the sender's name, but also the e-mail address for authenticity: max.mustermann@uni-ulm.de.
  • The contents of the e-mails try to put pressure on the recipients in order to trigger an action (in this case, the disclosure of access data)

What should you do if you receive such an e-mail?

  • Do not open any unknown external links or file attachments.
  • Do not enter any login data (username and password).
  • If you have already entered login data or opened an unknown attachment (e.g. in .html format), you must immediately change the corresponding password(s) and arrange for a virus scanner check. Please pay attention to any suspicious behavior of your account/workstation. If you notice any suspicious behavior, please report it immediately to helpdesk(at)uni-ulm.de or cert(at)uni-ulm.de.

Please refer to the general information on secure e-mail handling on the kiz information security portal.


news-49427 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 09:50:48 +0100 Update: Warning of a massive wave of attacks on VMware ESXi (CVE-2021-21974) https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/warning-of-a-massive-wave-of-attacks-on-vmware-esxi-cve-2021-21974/ The BSI warns of a massive global attack wave on VMware ESXi systems using the known vulnerability CVE-2021-21974. The vulnerability has been known since February 2021 and has been closed by a patch.

If you are running such a system, please read the attached document carefully and apply the patch immediately if necessary.

As an immediate measure, port 427 (SLP) on the external firewall has been closed. Please direct questions about this topic to: cert(at)uni-ulm.de


news-49356 Thu, 26 Jan 2023 11:50:00 +0100 Frontiers: Switch to direct invoicing starting Feb. 1 2023 https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/frontiers-umstellung-auf-direktrechnung-ab-122023/ As of Feb. 1, 2023, articles published by Frontiers from corresponding authors of Ulm University will once again be invoiced directly to the corresponding author. The previous central billing procedure will be discontinued. Corresponding authors of Ulm University will continue to receive a 10% discount on the respective list price.

Those who wish to apply for OA funding will have the option of applying for funding via our web form. The same funding regulations apply as before; the funding conditions and information on the reimbursement procedure can be found on our open access funding website.


news-49146 Thu, 01 Dec 2022 11:55:11 +0100 IEEE: OA to Journal Articles with Read and Publish Agreement https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/ieee-umstellung-auf-read-and-publish-zum-1122022/ As of 01.12.2022, the license of Ulm University with IEEE changes to a read-and-publish model. The agreement allows open access for 35 articles in all hybrid and full open access journals of IEEE (publish component). The volume is based on the publication output of the past years. The use of the IEEEXplore database is available as usual to the same extent (Read component). Authors should familiarize themselves with the publication requirements on our OA funding website before submitting an article to ensure a smooth publication process.


news-48280 Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:39:26 +0200 Test-Time Thieme Textbooks 2022 https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/test-time-thieme-lehrbuecher-2022/ Until November 30th, it will be possible to read all titles of the Thieme E-Book Library "Studium und Lehre" on the Ulm University network.
You can find the titles via the following link:


At the end of the year, we will decide which Thieme e-books the kiz will offer in 2023 on the basis of usage statistics, user reactions, and in coordination with our financial possibilities.
Feedback and requests can be sent to our helpdesk.


news-46171 Mon, 25 Oct 2021 10:49:02 +0200 Problems with SOGo https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/probleme-mit-sogo/ There are unfortunately problems with the SOGo server, which freezes from time to time. Downtime must be expected until further notice.


news-45469 Thu, 27 May 2021 09:20:41 +0200 Redmine Update https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/redmine-update/ On Wednesday, 02.06.2021, the project management programme "Redmine" will be updated
between 7 and 10 am and will not be available during this time.



news-45216 Tue, 20 Apr 2021 20:26:00 +0200 Grouper - Group management for the University of Ulm https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/grouper-gruppenverwaltung-fuer-die-universitaet-ulm/ As an extension of the IDM, Grouper offers all owners of an organisational unit the possibility to independently create and manage their own groups. These groups are then available for individual rights assignment in various target systems such as cloudstore. You will find the login link on the support pages of the IDM in the service catalogue:  Please note the following information:

  1. You cannot find your organisational unit in Grouper? Since creating a new organisational unit in Grouper is a manual process, it is possible that your organisational unit has not yet been created. Please contact the Helpdesk.
  2. You want to delegate the right to manage groups? If you are logged into Grouper as the owner of an organisational unit and are in the folder of your organisational unit, you can use "Add members" to add any persons to the ...Admins group in the etc subfolder.
  3. Where can I find the groups in the cloudstore? When you share a file in the cloudstore, you can also select your own group instead of a single person. For an institute, these always start with "org.inst".
news-22702 Wed, 07 Sep 2016 11:05:00 +0200 Introducing the Library Catalog::Global https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/introducing-the-library-catalog-global/ kiz recently launched a revamped website containing a new Resource Discovery System that now offers two versions of our library catalog:

  • The library catalog::local contains the Library's holdings including licensed electronic resources.
  • The library catalog::global enables you to simultaneously search local holdings and scores of article databases from international information providers.

Try out our new global catalog which allows a more extensive literature search.

news-22583 Wed, 31 Aug 2016 13:12:06 +0200 Current Trojan Virus Threat https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/current-trojan-virus-threat/ Due to a recent increase in ransomware attacks at the University, we would like to remind you about the precautions you can take to minimize the risk of attack. Kiz has developed a reference guide to avoid infection. Please take the time to read this guide.

The current attack involves e-mails disguised as very convincing looking letters of application, often containing ZIP file attachments (applicant photos and supposed application documents). To our knowledge, the ZIP files with the supposed application documents always end with ".pdf.js", which is supposed to encourage you to open a supposed PDF file. However, the files will acutally unleash a ransomware infection on your system.

If you have received such an e-mail, delete it immediately and do not open any of the attachments. If your computer is already infected, kiz also has a reference guide you can consult.

Kiz, for its part, will step up  its computer security on campus. Nevertheless, we depend on your support and attentiveness since no system is truly free of security loopholes.

news-22561 Thu, 25 Aug 2016 11:18:15 +0200 kiz welcomes its four-millionth visitor in the central library building https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/kiz-welcomes-its-four-millionth-visitor-in-the-central-library-building/ Fifteen years after the grand opening of the new central library building on April 1, 2001, over four million visitors have visited the library building, especially to visit our reading room to study. On August 2 at 9:30 am, we welcomed our four-millionth visitor: Mr. Alexander Niederhauser, a 10th semester medical student, happily accepted a bouquet of flowers celebrating the event.

news-22490 Wed, 27 Jul 2016 08:11:00 +0200 Shop and Helpddesk opening hours in August https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/einrichtungen/kiz/news-article/article/shop-and-helpddesk-opening-hours-in-august/ The Opens internal link in current windowService-Point East (Shop) has reduced opening hours in August
Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The Opens internal link in current windowHelpdesk will also operate on reduced contact hours in August
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
