Modeling and Identification of Dynamic Systems

Im Modul werden Methoden der mathematischen Modellierung technischer Prozesse basierend auf physikalischen Prinzipien vermittelt. Ziel ist insbesondere die Fähigkeit, für den Regler- und Beobachterentwurf geeignete Modelle herzuleiten und mit Hilfe von Identifikationsverfahren zu parametrieren.


  • Modeling mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems
  • Parameter-based and non-parameter-based identification approaches
  • Optimal estimation procedures and filter (e.g. Kalman filter)


Appropriate descriptions of systems are the base of many methods in control theory and are required for model-based monitoring. Model-based techniques open extensive paths to optimize existing control systems in industrial applications. The main requirement are proper mathematical models which on the one hand represent all important dynamic effects as precisely as possible, and stay feasible regarding computational complexity on the other hand. It is further important to be able to determine parameters which are not observable.
Students are able to describe and apply methods of mathematical modeling of technical processes based on physical principles. They are further able to describe technical systems of various physical domains using mathematical formalisms. They are especially able to derive suitable models for controller design and to parameterize the models with identification procedures, e.g. with using black box models. Students are capable of designing optimal state estimaters and state controllers. Thereby, they can apply according methods of identification, estimation, and control.


Online-learning takes place as self-study units as well as group work. For structuring the self-study-part there are provided videos that illustrate the contents and an elaborated script. The script is developed especially for students that work full-time while studying, according to the didactic concept of Ulm University. The script contains learning stopps, multiple and single choice tests, quizzes, exercises, etc.

Your mentor will offer online seminars in periodic intervals. These seminars will help you handling the exercises and working on the learning matters. An online forum for exchange with the other students will also be available. 

  • Fundamentals of higher mathematics, especially linear algebra
  • Fundamentals of signals and systems
  • Basics of control theory in frequency and time domain


Regular participation in online seminars will help you solving exercises, which have to be loaded up to the learning management system after request of the mentor. Passing the exercises successfully is recommended for participation in the final oral examination at Ulm University. For further information, please have a look into the module description.

After finishing your exam successfully you will get a certificate and a supplement, which will list the contents of the module and the competencies you have acquired. The supplement confirms you the equivalent of 6 credit points (ECTS).


Dr. Soenke Rhein
Development engineer Mechatronics at Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH