Control System Theory and Control Engineering

To an increasing degreee, requirements on safety, sustainability and economic feasibility of technical products and production plants call for modern approaches of control-theory-based methods. Especially in the environment of control theory, simple and heuristically designed controllers have been reaching their limits. Systematic design of model-based controllers in time domain allows considering of non-linearities and has the potential to achieve significantly improved controller results.

  • Linear and non-linear time-continuous systems in state space
  • Linearization and general solution of linear differential equations of states
  • Structural properties of LTI systems in state space (stability, controllability, observability
  • Design of state controllers and state observers for linear systems
  • Analysis of non-linear systems (Lyapunov-stability)
  • Control and feedback control of non-linear systems

Students are able to describe the necessary mathematics and system-theory basics. They are capable of applying the methods of model-based control theory to linear and non-linear systems. They are able to describe and analyze time-continuous systems in time domain. They are able to categorize systems according to system-theoretic properties. Further, they have the ability to apply formal methods in order to design controllers in time domain. They are also able to apply methods for designing controllers for non-linear systems and are capable of managing its operation.

Online-learning takes place as self-study units as well as group work. For structuring the self-study-part there are provided videos that illustrate the contents and an elaborated script. The script is developed especially for students that work full-time while studying, according to the didactic concept of Ulm University. The script contains learning stopps, multiple and single choice tests, quizzes, exercises, etc.

Your mentor will offer online seminars in periodic intervals. These seminars will help you handling the exercises and working on the learning matters. An online forum for exchange with the other students will also be available. 

  • Fundamentals of higher mathematics, especially linear algebra
  • Fundamentals of signals and systems
  • Basic design methods for LTI systems in frequency domain
  • Description of linear, time-invariant systems in time and frequency domain, Laplace transform, analysis of LTI systems (Bode and Nyquist plots)

Recommended requirements:

  • Desktop computer or notebook, with a supported version of Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS or Linux
  • Headset
  • Current version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge
  • Access to the internet (e.g., via xDSL, Cable, LTE, 5G) with a minimum data rate of 3 Mbit/s for downstream and 384 kbit/s for upstream.

In case of questions regarding the technical requirements, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Regular participation in online seminars will help you solving exercises, which have to be loaded up to the learning management system after request of the mentor. Passing the exercises successfully is recommended for participation in the final oral examination at Ulm University. For further information, please have a look into the module description.

After finishing your exam successfully you will get a certificate and a supplement, which will list the contents of the module and the competencies you have acquired. The supplement confirms you the equivalent of 6 credit points (ECTS).



Dr. Soenke Rhein
Development engineer Mechatronics at Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH


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