Research Successes
National Research Collaborations
Ulm University was successful in the excellence strategy and has acquired a cluster of excellence in the field of battery research. From January 2019, the Cluster of Excellence "Post Lithium Storage" (POLiS) will receive funding of around seven million euros per year.
At Ulm University five Collaborative Research Centres are currently funded by the DFG.
At Ulm University the following Research Units are funded by the DFG.
At Ulm University the Priority Programme "CRISPR-Cas functions beyond defence" is coordinated.
At Ulm University, about one hundred BMBF collaborative projects are funded. As an example successful projects under the overall coordination of Ulm University are listed.
International Research
The following scientists from Ulm University have been awarded with an ERC Grant.
Successful EU-Projects coordinated by Ulm University.
Early Career Programmes
Ulm University offers a variety of structured doctoral programmes.
Overview of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups
At Ulm University, the DFG funds the following Heisenberg Professorships.
At Ulm University, the BMBF funds the following Junior Research Group
Endowed Professorships