Ulm University
Center for Research Strategy and Support
Helmholtzstr. 22
89081 Ulm, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)731/50-33633
Fax: +49 (0)731/50-33639
In order to encourage young scientists (within 8 years after conferral of doctorate) to apply for their first research grant from the DFG, the Medical Faculty offers them an incentive in the amount of 12% of the sum received for their first DFG project. They can spend this money for their research group within two years, for example for equipment, staff or consumables.
In case you successfully attracted your first individual DFG research grant as main applicant, please fill out the adjacent form and return it to the Center for Research Strategy and Support.
Holders of an Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Group Grant of the DFG or similar grants from other funding agencies with overheads are provided with an additional Post-Doc position (E13 100%) from the Medical Faculty for 3 years.
The additional scientist shall strengthen the young research group (publications, third-party funding). The program is an incentive to apply for junior research groups from donors paying overheads.
In the case of a Max Eder Junior Research Group of the German Cancer Aid (it comes without overheads) the Medical Faculty contributes an additional 10% of the annual funding sum for three years.
A possible continuation of this support after three years until the end of the project (which is after 5-6 years for Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups) is a performance-related decision by the Faculty Board on a by-case basis. In case the the junior research group or its head moves to another university, the support is discontinued.
If you successfully applied for a junior research group please contact the Center for Research Strategy and Support in order to receive your support. We can already advise you during the application procedure and arrange letters of support.
Ulm University
Center for Research Strategy and Support
Helmholtzstr. 22
89081 Ulm, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)731/50-33633
Fax: +49 (0)731/50-33639