CZS Wildcard

One "Wild" Idea - Three Scientists - Maximum Freedom

Through the CZS Wildcard funding programme, the Carl Zeiss Foundation (CZS) is creating an op-portunity to pursue new ideas at a very early stage. The goal is to support unconventional, "wild" ideas in the STEM field with a high potential for innovation. CZS Wildcard is explicitly aimed at projects that (currently) have a low chance of getting funding in the usual selection procedures because they are radically new and, therefore, especially risky.

We are looking for consortia, each made up of three scientists, with an innovative idea at the in-terface between different STEM disciplines. No individual preparatory scientific work is required. 24 months of time, a funding amount of up to €750,000, trust and uncomplicated funding modalities lay the foundation for maximum freedom.

University internal letter of intent - Deadline: March 19, 2025

Ulm University is entiteled to submit four applications to the Carl Zeiss Foundation. The University Board decides which applications are forwarded to the Foundation based on the university internal letter of intent.

The LOI must contain the following points:

  • Consortium spokesperson
  • Names of participating scientists and subjects (DFG subject classification)
  • Project outline, max. 1 A4 page
  • max. 10 project-related publications (if available)

Please send your LOI to forschung(at) by March 19.


Dr. Astrid Rau
Center for Research Strategy and Support
Helmholtzstr. 22
Room 1.48
89081 Ulm

Tel.: +49 (0)731/50-25086