In case you have organisational questions concerning your journey to Ulm please contact:
Dr. Julia Nagy
Center for Translational Imaging
Ulm University
☎ +49 731 500 33635
✉ E-Mail
The Symposium takes place in the Life Science Building N27, Multimediaroom 2.059 at Ulm University (see maps M1 to M3 below).
Ulm University
Life Science Building N27
Meyerhofstr. 1
89081 Ulm
Please find a detailled descirption of the journey by car to Ulm University here.
Address car park (with costs): Helmholtzstraße 5, 89081 Ulm
From Ulm Central Station (stop "Hauptbahnhof") or from hotels listed below (stop "Theater"):
Tram line 2, direction "Science Park II"
Stop "Botanischer Garten"
Journey time approx. 10 minutes
For your stay in Ulm we recommend the following hotels:
Hotel Ibis City (Neutorstraße 12, 89073 Ulm)
Hotel Stern (Sterngasse 17, 89073 Ulm)
Hotel Neuthor (Neuer Graben 17, 89073 Ulm)
All hotels are within walking distance from Ulm central station (5-10 minutes) and located directly next to the Tram stop ("Theater") to the venue at Ulm University (Line 2 to "Botanischer Garten").
In case you have organisational questions concerning your journey to Ulm please contact:
Dr. Julia Nagy
Center for Translational Imaging
Ulm University
☎ +49 731 500 33635
✉ E-Mail
We gratefully acknowledge our sponsors for their support for this symposium. [List is updated continuously]