English Debating at Ulm University

Speeches that change the world

Debating is a public speaking sport that is not about expressing personal opinions, but rather about objective presentations, skillful arguments and legendary negotiations. The debate takes place with the help of fixed rules and fixed time windows. Debating in English has the advantage that we also strengthen our ability to express ourselves in another language.

What is debating?

Debating is not just argument for argument’s sake, it is a real conversation about competing perspectives and current affairs. The debate has two sides – a proposition side supporting the resolution, and an opposition side refuting the resolution. This is what makes debating so compelling – together in teams, we defend and attack certain beliefs to score for the final decision in favour or against at the end of each debate.

Before beginning each debate, we will start with simple practice sessions and the basics of debating strategy, as well as how to structure your speech. There is a strong aspect of competition in a debate, but we will help you learn how to deal with it in a sovereign and confident way!

If you want to find out more about English debating in general:

Come and join our team to compete in debating and to prepare for international open tournaments!