University publications
The kiz supports you in your research with various services for academic publishing:
- Advice on the publication process
- Processing of university publications by the Service Point Publication Management
- Development of the university bibliography
- Proof of research data
We are also happy to help you personally on site.

Publishing at the University
Publications at the University are made electronically via the Communication and Information Centre using the institutional repository of Ulm University.
What can be published?
- Publication series: Do you have a specific topic or subject area on which you and your colleagues regularly publish? You can create your own publication series and publish it at the university.
- Congress publications: You are organising a congress or conference and would like to publish the congress and conference papers.
- Secondary publications: Secondary publications increase the visibility of a paper, as the publication is now freely available to the public with the underlying full text. Some third-party funded projects oblige researchers to publish a second paper.
- All other content that you would like to make available to the public in the form of an electronic publication. Please contact us directly before publication.
Who is authorised to publish at Ulm University?
All members of Ulm University are authorised to publish documents on the Open Access Repository of Ulm University (OPARU). These can be text-based, but can also include other media types (video, audio, graphics). Depending on the type of publication, publication purpose and media types used, different procedures are offered, which are handled differently. Detailed information on electronic publishing is available on the institutional repository OPARU.
Secondary publication service by the kiz:
The kiz independently carries out the secondary publication of articles if a corresponding national or alliance licence is available, as this contains an open access component. This is currently being done as part of the DeepGreen project. In addition, the kiz publishes journal articles and other contributions whose Open Access publication has been funded by the university or the Faculty of Medicine through the OA Fund.
Publication templates for the Open Access Repository of the University of Ulm (OPARU) are available on request.
Submitting and Publishing of Dissertations
The Service Point oversees the publication process for university theses (final theses, dissertations, habilitations). We advise you on all important questions and take care of issuing the certificates required to complete the doctoral procedure. The exchange of theses and other publications (duplicates) with other universities is also coordinated here.
Please allow at least four weeks for processing.
- Please read our factsheet including a checklist. There are several options you may choose from. You will find them listed in our factsheet. You will find further information in the Regulations for Doctoral Studies.
- Please start a printing- and binding-order (eKladde) for your dissertation. Your dissertation should be printed and bound at kiz. You can also order copies for your own use and finally collect them at the Service Point printing services.
If you have questions concerning your printing-order, please contact directly the Service-Point Printing Services.
If you want to print with an external copy shop, please send us the PDF to kiz.publikationsmanagement(at) and wait until the PDF has been formally checked by the Publication Management before you order the printing. - Please submit your dissertation to OPARU. Please read the information section on how to publish and legal issues and start publishing by logging in with your kiz account. If you do not have a kiz account you can register for the service.
In the exceptional case of a print publication, this step is not required. Please complete, sign and send us the required Dissertation Declaration Form by e-mail attachment to
For more information, please contact the Service-Point Publication Management.
Publication consulting
Publications at Ulm University are visible worldwide, for example via search engines such as Google Scholar, and should therefore be well prepared.
The kiz offers numerous courses to support you in academic publishing at Ulm University. For example, courses on academic writing and publishing, research practice and the use of our library services are offered every semester. The current dates can be found in our course programme.
- Ensure that the text is free of third-party rights
- Check whether correct citations have been made, especially for images and illustrations
- If in doubt, consider acquiring rights of use or consider omitting the relevant image
- The title of your publication (e.g. dissertation) has not already been used elsewhere
Please contact us by telephone for a personal consultation.
Contact information can be found here.
Copyright and correct citation
You can find information on copyright and correct citation on our website. We will be happy to advise you personally if required.
Are you looking for information specifically on the topic of e-learning? On the joint website of ZEL and kiz you will find summarised information on the topic and the right contact person for every question.
If you have a question about copyright and publishing, please get in touch with the contact persons at kiz first. If legal advice is unavoidable, we will be happy to put you in touch with our colleagues in Department I-2.
Licences and Open Access
Before publishing, you should ask yourself which licence is the right one for the content in question. We can advise you on the various licence models. Open access licences from Creative Commons are common. These protect your content and at the same time guarantee good reusability. For certain purposes, however, restrictive licences such as our so-called ‘Lizenz A’ make sense. An overview of the licences currently supported at kiz for electronic publication can be found on the pages of the institutional repository OPARU.
Advice on applications (EU, DFG, ...)
The team offers advice on various aspects of the application process (Horizon2020, DFG proposals, etc.). This mainly relates to advice on the obligation to publish (Open Access). For questions regarding the publication of research data, please contact the Research Data Management service.
Training and workshops
The Publication Management team will also be happy to advise you on site at your institute. We can offer workshops or lectures on various topics. Topics for training courses include writing advice on correct citation, the correct use of images and illustrations, open access or publishing on the institutional repository.
If you would like to know more, it is best to make an individual appointment. The Publication Management team will be happy to advise you!
Please also see our FAQs on this topic.
Publishing Open Access
Open Access has a long tradition at Ulm University. All relevant information on Open Access funding, Open Access mandates in third-party funded projects and the publication platform and repository OPARU can be found on the following page:
Communication and Information Centre (kiz)
Please contact us if you have questions or problems related to the kiz services:
Office hours
Monday - Thursday
09:00 h - 12:00 h and 13:00 h - 15:30 h
Friday 09:00 h - 12:00 h
+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30000
+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 1230000
Order a Callback
Support Portal (Uni internal)
Service Points are locations where you can visit us personally.
Using self-service functions of the Identity Management System (IDM): Administer permissions, subscribe to services, change passwords.
Research in the library stock: monographs, textbooks, magazines, university publications, e-books, e-journals, national licenses, and the contents of the institutional repository OPARU.
With about 400 keywords you will get direct access to our services. If something isn't listed, please contact our Internet Editorial Office.
More about: University publications
Anja Rahner-Engel, Jessica Fröbus
Telephone: +49 (0)731 / 50 - 31428
Publications, Copyright Regulations
Charis Brem
Telephone: +49 (0)731 / 50 - 22490
Dr. Jonas Mirbeth
Telefon: +49 (0)731 / 50 - 31456
Open Access Representatives
Uli Hahn, Gold OA
Dr. Jonas Mirbeth, Green OA
Open Access Funding
Claudia Mühlhäuser
Writing Consultation
Dr. Pia Schmücker
OPARU (Technical Support)
oparu (at)
The German National Library (DNB) lists all published dissertations in Germany:
- Link to DNB (in German)