DFG projects

The DFG provides guidance on the handling of research data through its Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and Guidelines for Handling Research Data.

For applicants, there is also a checklist for handling research data. This checklist contains questions on data management, divided into topics, which you should address in your project proposal. Your comments on this are part of the review of the application.

Checklist / Questionnaire

Applicants should specify in their project proposal under point 5.2 how data management is planned in the project and will receive a checklist from the DFG for this purpose.

Download checklist

Note: This checklist is also an excellent template for a data management plan that can be included in the project as a deliverable.

More to: Data management plans

Infomaterial Link
Guidelines for safeguarding good research practice Go to page
Guidelines for safeguarding good research practice View document
Checklist / questionnaire View document (de)
View document (en)



mehr zu: DFG-Projekte

Dominik Seemann