University Bibliography of the University of Ulm

On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the University of Ulm received a university bibliography from the kiz, in which publications by members and affiliates of the University of Ulm are listed. The university bibliography was realized via OPARU, the open access repository of Ulm University and Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

The university bibliography includes publications produced by members and affiliates of Ulm University as part of their employment at Ulm University.

These publications are marked accordingly in OPARU to distinguish them from other publications.

Researchers are requested to inform us of their publications not yet recorded in OPARU. You can either enter your publications directly in OPARU (with/without full text) or send us your publication list.

Please send us your publication list, which we will check for completeness in OPARU (e.g. as a BibTeX file). This can refer to a person or institution. If you are celebrating the anniversary of an institute or person at Ulm University, please contact us.
Checklist: Submission of a publication list for OPARU

  • For online publications, enter the DOI or another identifier under which the publication is permanently available online.
  • Indicate which publications were produced during your affiliation with Ulm University. On request, we can also record your publications from other professional stations, but these are not part of the university bibliography.

We will be happy to assist you with the question of whether a free secondary publication of your publications on OPARU is possible. If the publisher's copyright regulations do not permit secondary publication, we will instead enter the proof of publication in OPARU for you and link to the original publication.

We do not always receive sufficient information on affiliations from our data sources. This can have different effects:

  • If we do not know the affiliation of the first-named Ulm author/publisher, the publication is assigned to the "_Other institutions" section.
  • Not all relevant affiliations may be listed on the landing page of a publication.
  • Some affiliations could not be clearly assigned. The affected entries begin with "Univ Ulm, ...".

In these cases, we ask the authors or editors to inform us of the missing / correct affiliations of the people listed and to indicate the affiliation of the first-named Ulm author. This helps us to assign the publication to an area.

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Research in the library stock: monographs, textbooks, magazines, university publications, e-books, e-journals, national licenses, and the contents of the institutional repository OPARU.

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