Publish your work

You can use OPARU to publish publications and research data. These are then freely accessible worldwide. Please note the following steps for the publication:

Users with a kiz account (firstname.surname(at) Log in with your kiz account. Your user account in OPARU will be created automatically. You can start submitting a publication immediately. If your kiz account expires in the next few days, please choose the second registration method.

Users without a kiz account: Only if you do not have a kiz account, please complete a one-time registration for OPARU. Then contact the Publication Management Service Point (kiz.publikationsmanagement(at) so that they can activate you for the submission of your publications.

Please delete anything that does not apply and/or complete the text and send it to uulm: kiz.publikationsmanagement(at)


Text template for the University of Ulm:

I would like to publish one or more publications for which I am the (co-)author/(co-)rights holder.

I am a member of Ulm University (incl. doctoral candidates of all faculties except Medicine).

I am a member of Ulm University / Medicine (incl. doctoral students and members of the Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital, academic hospitals and teaching hospitals).


Text template for the THU (e-mail: bibliothek(at)

I am a member of the THU.

I would like to publish one or more publications for another person (submission by a third party). I will send the third-party publication contract (download) separately to the kiz. I provide the details for the person for whom I would like to make the publication as listed above.


Requests will only be processed on working days. Please note that you will not be offered any collections for uploading publications without activation by the Service Point.

Once you have published your work, you will lose your authorization to upload again, as the authorization is not valid indefinitely. If you are interested in publishing again, please contact the Publication Management Service Point so that they can check whether you still have authorization.

Checklist for the files you upload to OPARU:


File format

File name

  • The file name is displayed on the web. You should therefore use descriptive names where possible, e.g. Thesis_Mueller.pdf, Dissertation.pdf for dissertations.
  • Max. 20 characters
  • Permitted characters: Letters a-z, A-Z; numbers 0 to 9; underscore _
  • *Do not* use spaces, umlauts and special characters

File size: max. 2 GB / file

Mandatory, if applicable:


The electronic publication must be identical to the printed version. However, the CV, dedication and acknowledgements may be replaced with blank pages and a note. The pagination of the dissertation must remain the same.

Readme file

When publishing research data or software, the data set must also contain a readme file or another descriptive document containing all information relevant for subsequent use. Pay attention to precise details of versions, description of the experimental setup, etc. For research data uploaded as a zip package, please place the readme file in the zip package and also upload the readme file as a separate file outside the zip package (for the full-text search in OPARU and indexing in search engines). Use the ReadMe-Template.

License file

When publishing software, please include the selected license as a LICENSE file in the zip package in line with best practice.


Citation file

When publishing software, you can include a CITATION file. This helps subsequent users to cite your publication correctly.

Please send the following documents (if applicable) via post, fax or e-mail to the Publication Management Service Point:

Thesis: Publication is possible with the recommendation of the supervisor.
Declaration of consent (german)
Dissertation: Abgabeerklärung (german) / Dissertation Declaration Form (en) 
Submission by third parties: If the author/rights holder does not carry out the submission process themselves, we require a version of the publication contract signed by the author/rights holder for submission by third parties.
Publication contract (submission by third parties) (german)
Publication contract (submission by the kiz) (german)

First log in with your account data. Select "Publishing" under "New" in the left-hand menu. You will now be offered various collections in which you can upload. Select the appropriate collection.

Upload the files to be published (max. 2 GB / file). Describe your publication. In OPARU you have the option of choosing between different publication types. Select a license with which you regulate the subsequent use of your publication by the general public. Agree to the Publication contract (german) online. For submission by third parties, see point 3. When you are finished, click on "Submit".

The kiz will process your submission. After publication, you will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation from OPARU. Once your publication has been approved, it will usually receive a DOI for a unique reference and citation on the same day.

Communication and Information Centre (kiz)

Please contact us if you have questions or problems related to the kiz services:

Office hours
Monday - Thursday
09:00 h - 12:00 h and 13:00 h - 15:30 h

Friday 09:00 h - 12:00 h

+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30000

+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 1230000

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Support Portal (Uni internal)

Service Points are locations where you can visit us personally.


Using self-service functions of the Identity Management System (IDM): Administer permissions, subscribe to services, change passwords.

IDM Self Services

Research in the library stock: monographs, textbooks, magazines, university publications, e-books, e-journals, national licenses, and the contents of the institutional repository OPARU.

library catalogue::local

With about 400 keywords you will get direct access to our services. If something isn't listed, please contact our Internet Editorial Office.

A-Z List