Network & Connectivity
The domain name system is a hierarchical database which is distributed worldwide. It has stored various information about computer, especially the machine and domain name is assigned to the IP address. The two official DNS server of the kiz are needed for tracing addresses within the internet and intranet communication of linked-up computers of all operating system platforms.
Internet Connectivity
The University of Ulm is connected to the Landeshochschulnetz BelWü (Higher Education network). The connections extend to other national and international commercial and research networks ("Internet").
Information about the Local Area Network (LAN), the fixed line campus network of the University of Ulm.
NTP Time Service
Two official NTP time server are operated by the University of Ulm which synchronize the time and dates on servers and other computers.
For a secure access to the campus network from external networks (e.g. access via other providers) the kiz operates a VPN gateway (VPN: Virtual Private Network). In addition to encrypted communication, it is also possible to use online services, which are restricted to computers located in the campus network.
The kiz operates a wireless LAN (WLAN or wireless network), which allows members and guests of the university to access the Internet. In most lecture halls and seminar rooms, as well as in public areas Wi-Fi is available.