Reading Room Computers
25 computers are available for a free reseach in the library catalogues, CD-ROMs, online databases and the internet as well as for orders of any kind. The computers are located in the reading rooms of the central library and departmental libraries. (see Service Points).
- Internet browser (Firefox)
- Online-Catalogue for research in the local catalogue, for Interlibrary Loan and access to the library user account
- Registration for external users
- Access to the licensed full text e-journals
- Access to the licensed REDI online databases (DBIS)
- Printouts can be made of subject related researchs at individual computers in the central library. Look for printer "Laser_Bib" in the copy room.
- 4 computers are equiped with a scanner and the relevant software.
The use of the computers in the reading rooms including the soft- and hardware without special formalities but with personal authentification is possible within the regular opening hours of the library. The regulations on appropiate use apply which are displayed at the devices. The staff is entitled to control the appropiate use and prevent abuse.