Online LaTeX-Editor

Overleaf is a cloud-based LaTeX editor from Digital Science UK Limited that enables the collaborative creation, editing and publishing of documents. Thanks to its collaborative approach and versioning of edited documents, it offers ideal support for work in scientific and student projects. The cloud-based approach also ensures that all users work with the same, up-to-date version of Overleaf at all times. All you need to use the service is an Overleaf account and a web browser of your choice.

Login (via SSO)

Important notes on use

Please note that this is a service provided by Digital Solution Science UK Limited, which kiz only passes on. All data processing takes place outside the infrastructure of Ulm University. The data is stored on the servers of the company's cloud service provider, which is based in the USA. Therefore, in order to minimize risks in the areas of data protection and data security (information security), it is important to take into account the following organizational measures defined by the data protection team:

  • Due to the external data processing on the infrastructure of a service provider, we strongly recommend that you discuss the use of Overleaf with (potential) funding providers.
  • Personal data in accordance with Art. 4 para. 1 DSGVO may only be processed if this can be based on the consent of the data subject or a legal permission standard. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A person is considered identifiable if they can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that person.
  • The storage of special categories of personal data within the meaning of Art. 9 DSGVO is generally not permitted. Such data includes sensitive information that reveals, in particular, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetic data, health data or data concerning a person's sex life or sexual orientation. Exceptions to this principle are possible under certain legal conditions. If the processing of such sensitive data is absolutely necessary for scientific research purposes, please contact the data protection team at Ulm University.
  • Do not upload any strictly confidential or confidential research data to the system. Confidential research data includes information whose publication or loss could lead to financial damage or a loss of image for the University of Ulm.
  • If Overleaf is used, the head of the respective scientific institution or project is responsible for compliance with the above terms of use.

Privacy Policy

   The following privacy policy and the terms of use of Digital Science UK Limited apply:

FAQs zu Overleaf

Members of Ulm University who wish to use the Overleaf campus license have to log in via SSO using the link above. This is necessary to verify your affiliation to the university. Please use your normal kiz account for authentication at the SSO. After successful authentication, you are already logged in to Overleaf and can start working immediately.

If you are already using Overleaf with an e-mail address other than Ulm University ([first name].[last name], you only need to add the university e-mail address (as your primary e-mail address!) to your account. After a successful login via the university's SSO (link above), you can immediately access the full range of Overleaf services. The login via SSO is required to prove your affiliation to the university. You can find detailed instructions on the Overleaf website. If you do not need further instructions, you can make the adjustment directly in the "Account settings" section.

The current test period will last for 12 months and ends on 31.01.2026. The Executive Board of Ulm University will make a decision on the extension or discontinuation of the campus license after approx. 10 months. The kiz will inform you about the decision and its consequences as soon as possible. If you do not purchase an individual license in the event that the campus license is discontinued, your account and the data it contains will automatically be converted into the free license with a limited scope of services. There will be no loss of data.

To share projects with third parties, you can share them directly in Overleaf with selected people. Overleaf also offers the option of downloading projects in various formats. You can find more information and instructions on the Overleaf website.

Yes, students and employees/officials of Ulm University can have the costs for existing license agreements reimbursed on a pro rata basis from the start of campus-wide licensing. For this purpose, access must be to an Ulm University e-mail address ([first name].[last name] and login via SSO must be used. If the access is to an external e-mail address, you must adapt it accordingly (see FAQ).

The application to change the license agreement works as follows:

  • Individual licenses: For this, you simply need to send an informal e-mail to support(at) and request the conversion and refund.
  • Group licenses: The company will contact the responsible administrator and assist with the conversion and refund for the entire group.

Personal data in accordance with Art. 4 para. 1 DSGVO may only be processed if this can be based on the consent of the data subject or a legal permission standard.

The storage of special categories of personal data within the meaning of Art. 9 DSGVO is generally not permitted. If the processing of such sensitive data is absolutely necessary for scientific research purposes, please contact the data protection team at Ulm University.

Do not upload any strictly confidential or confidential research data to the system.

Detailed manuals for the integration of Git and synchronization with GitHub can be found on the Overleaf website:

The following official support channels are available for content-related questions about the use of Overleaf and specific functions:

Communication and Information Centre (kiz)

Please contact us if you have questions or problems related to the kiz services:

Office hours
Monday - Thursday
09:00 h - 12:00 h and 13:00 h - 15:30 h

Friday 09:00 h - 12:00 h

+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30000

+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 1230000

Order a Callback
Support Portal (Uni internal)

Service Points are locations where you can visit us personally.


Using self-service functions of the Identity Management System (IDM): Administer permissions, subscribe to services, change passwords.

IDM Self Services

Research in the library stock: monographs, textbooks, magazines, university publications, e-books, e-journals, national licenses, and the contents of the institutional repository OPARU.

library catalogue::local

With about 400 keywords you will get direct access to our services. If something isn't listed, please contact our Internet Editorial Office.

A-Z List