Computer Labs
Service category: Desktop Computing
The kiz provides pools with over 300 PC workstations at various locations on the Oberer Eselsberg campus, which are operated either with Windows or Linux. The Linux pools can be used by all members of the university; for the Windows pools, use is restricted to students (depending on the pool, possibly also faculty-related) and to courses that are usually run by the kiz or institutes.
The pools provide the respective user groups with basic software equipment as well as internet access and the use of output devices. In addition, the pools are equipped with software adapted to the specific needs and the respective user group.
Selected pools can be used by university institutions to run their own courses, subject to prior reservation.
Pools also offer laptop workstations where power, a monitor, keyboard and mouse are provided for devices you bring with you.
Performance features
All labs
- Spatial access to the PC pools is by chip card, whereby locking authorisation depends on membership of the respective user group.
- Login with the kiz account
- unlimited internet access
- access to a personal home directory on a central file service of the kiz. Different home directories are mounted for Windows and Linux pools. However, with the help of client software provided, the home directory of the respective other operating system environment can be connected from each pool computer.
- Provision of basic software: Office Suite, web browser, mail client, PDF reader, SSH client.
- Provision of special software: The Linux pools are uniformly equipped with a portfolio of special software; the Windows pools are equipped differently. The specific software equipment available in each case is documented on the website of the respective pool.
- Additional software can be installed in the pools on request, provided this is feasible in terms of effort, compatibility and licensing requirements.
- The home directories are integrated into the backup. A restore of data is possible with a period of 28 days. A restore is requested informally, preferably by e-mail, via the helpdesk of the kiz (
- In addition to local printers, users also have access to selected centralised devices. The billing of print jobs is assigned to the account or print quota (for students). The default setting is the FollowMe printing system. Large format printers cannot be used in the Windows pools.
- Connection and use of own USB storage media.
- The pools are partially air-conditioned.
- Ensuring the completeness and functionality of the spatial equipment.
- 164 seats
- Active virus protection
- 138 seats
- OpenSUSE distribution
- The software equipment is focused on the provision of programming environments (compilers) and scientific software.
- Pools 4a:
- Operating system: Windows
- Login also with non-personalised training accounts
- 14 seats
- Pool 10 (regular pool, can be used for courses under special conditions):
- Operating system: Linux OpenSUSE
- 21 seats
- In the course pools, either a permanently installed beamer or a large LCD screen is available, which can be used either with the instructor PC provided or a notebook brought along.
- Pools 4a is the regular course pool in which the kiz runs its own courses. Upon request, this pool as well as the normally generally accessible Linux pool 10 can be reserved by university institutions for their own courses.
User groups
- Linux labs: Employees & students
- Windows labs: students only
- Course labs: kiz (pools 4a) or employees on request
Service hours
24 x 7 x 365
If possible, major maintenance work is carried out during the lecture-free period. As a rule, only one pool is affected at a time.
Application modalities
The prerequisite for using the service is generally only a kiz account. A separate application is not required.
With the exception of the user group students, the login in the Linux pools is not activated by default. For this purpose, the option "Unix" must be added in the self-service procedure via the IDM portal.
The reservation of a course pool for conducting own trainings can be requested by university institutions via an online form.
Fee / Charge
No fees or charges will be made for the service.
Communication and Information Centre (kiz)
Please contact us if you have questions or problems related to the kiz services:
Office hours
Monday - Thursday
09:00 h - 12:00 h and 13:00 h - 15:30 h
Friday 09:00 h - 12:00 h
+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30000
+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 1230000
Order a Callback
Support Portal (Uni internal)
Service Points are locations where you can visit us personally.
Using self-service functions of the Identity Management System (IDM): Administer permissions, subscribe to services, change passwords.
Research in the library stock: monographs, textbooks, magazines, university publications, e-books, e-journals, national licenses, and the contents of the institutional repository OPARU.
With about 400 keywords you will get direct access to our services. If something isn't listed, please contact our Internet Editorial Office.
more to Computer Labs
For the Windows labs 4 and 4a and the Linux lab 10 we accept reservation requests from other university departments who would like to hold courses there. Please use our online form for this purpose.
With the exception of course pool 4a, the computer labs are always accessible with the university chip card (24 x 7 x 365).