Opening times of the Service Points during the annual staff outing

Ulm University

Thursday, Sep. 19 2024

Due to our annual staff outing on Thu, 19 september, there will be reduced Service Point opening hours:

Library services | Central library:

  • Service Point  "Circulation" is open 8 am - 7:30 pm.
  • The Reading room is open 8 am - 8 pm.
  • Service Point "Information" is accessible by phone 9 am - 4 pm.
  • Service Point "Interlibrary Loan" is closed.
  • The departmental library Helmholtzstr. is open 8 am - 4 pm.
  • The Service-Point "Publication Management" is accessible by phone 9 - 12 am.
  • The Service-Point "Print" is open 8:30 am - 3:30 pm.
  • The IT Consultion hours are open 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • The Help Desk is accessible by phone 9 - 12 am, 1 - 3:30 pm