Grouper - Group management for the University of Ulm

Ulm University

As an extension of the IDM, Grouper offers all owners of an organisational unit the possibility to independently create and manage their own groups. These groups are then available for individual rights assignment in various target systems such as cloudstore. You will find the login link on the support pages of the IDM in the service catalogue:  Please note the following information:

  1. You cannot find your organisational unit in Grouper? Since creating a new organisational unit in Grouper is a manual process, it is possible that your organisational unit has not yet been created. Please contact the Helpdesk.
  2. You want to delegate the right to manage groups? If you are logged into Grouper as the owner of an organisational unit and are in the folder of your organisational unit, you can use "Add members" to add any persons to the ...Admins group in the etc subfolder.
  3. Where can I find the groups in the cloudstore? When you share a file in the cloudstore, you can also select your own group instead of a single person. For an institute, these always start with "org.inst".