Service Request Forms

The following overview will guide you in selecting the correct form to request a service or report a problem. There are three different types of forms available:

  • Online forms: Please fill out the form and return it by e-mail. You will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail stating our acknowledgement of your order.
  • Online forms (submit in print form): In this case, you will be sent a pre-filled form by e-mail. Please print out the form, sign it, and return it by mail.
  • PDF forms: These forms must be printed out, signed, and returned to the address mentioned on the form. (see also: Hinweise zur Benutzung von PDF-Formularen).

Please refer to the relevant service section of our website for more information.

Account & Access

Backup & Storage

Advice & Help

Library Services

Campus & Business

Desktop Computing

Document Delivery



Network & Computer Connectivity


Scholarly Information Services

Communication and Information Centre (kiz)

Please contact us if you have questions or problems related to the kiz services:

Office hours
Monday - Thursday
09:00 h - 12:00 h and 13:00 h - 15:30 h

Friday 09:00 h - 12:00 h

+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30000

+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 1230000

Order a Callback
Support Portal (Uni internal)

Service Points are locations where you can visit us personally.


Using self-service functions of the Identity Management System (IDM): Administer permissions, subscribe to services, change passwords.

IDM Self Services

Research in the library stock: monographs, textbooks, magazines, university publications, e-books, e-journals, national licenses, and the contents of the institutional repository OPARU.

library catalogue::local

With about 400 keywords you will get direct access to our services. If something isn't listed, please contact our Internet Editorial Office.

A-Z List