According to a decision of the Executive Board of the University of Ulm, kiz is introducing multifactor authentication (MFA) for the central services. The introduction will take place in two steps in a period from 01.08.2024-01.11.2024 and affects all users with a kiz account or IDM guest account. Further information, instructions for creation and use as well as FAQs can be found in the MFA information portal:
Aktuelle Meldungen
Web of Science: Research Assistant - available now
OPARU: Update to version DSpace7 completed
Alert message: Current wave of phishing via Moodle
Mattermost security update
Update for Zoom Desktop Client (older than version 5.15.6) mandatory
Warning against a current phishing wave against members of the University of Ulm
Update: Warning of a massive wave of attacks on VMware ESXi (CVE-2021-21974)
kiz welcomes its four-millionth visitor in the central library building
Inquiries about our services
Please inform yourself first on our websites!
E-mail: helpdesk(at)
Phone: +49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30000
alternative: Order a callback
Administration Office
General contact (management, administration)
E-mail: kiz(at)
Phone: +49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30300
alternative: Order a callback
Communication and Information Centre (kiz)
Please contact us if you have questions or problems related to the kiz services:
Office hours
Monday - Thursday
09:00 - 12:00 h and 13:00 - 15:30 h
Friday 09:00 - 12:00 h
+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 30000
+49 (0) 731 / 50 - 1230000
Order a Callback
Support Portal (Uni internal)
Service Points are locations where you can visit us personally.
All information and services related to information security at the University of Ulm.
Using self-service functions of the Identity Management System (IDM): Administer permissions, subscribe to services, change passwords.
Forms to request a service or report a problem:
Research in the library stock: monographs, textbooks, magazines, university publications, e-books, e-journals, national licenses, and the contents of the institutional repository OPARU.
With about 400 keywords you will get direct access to our services. If something isn't listed, please contact our Internet Editorial Office.
Are you looking for a new job or an apprenticeship? Find out more about our vacancies:
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