Dr. Tatjana Spaeth
Centre for Teaching Development
Nominate the best lecturer of summer semester 2020!

Nomination time is over, we are now evaluating the results. Thank you very much for your nominations!
Dear students,
The summer semester 2020 was a challenge for all of us – you, your teachers and as well us, being a facility that supports teaching. In a very short amount of time all courses had to be transformed to an online format. Technical systems had to be established, didactic concepts had to be adjusted, learning materials had to be developed. For students, an entirely new way of studying began, on which your lecturers sought to accompany and support you.
With a special award, the Centre for Learning Development wants to honor lecturers for their great efforts they put into teaching during the online summer semester. Nobody else is in a better position to judge which lecturer has earned this special award than you!
- Who of the lecturers succeeded especially well in his/her courses during summer semester 2020?
- Who put the biggest effort in to support students?
- Who established especially good learning materials?
- Who made a real success out of the transfer to online learning for learning and teaching?
Please nominate lecturers especially worthy because of their teaching during the Corona-summer semester 2020. Nominating lecturer is fast and easy. Of course you can fill in the nomination form more than once to nominate several dedicated lecturer. Your nomination is anonymous.
Three vouchers of 20 € each for “Lehmanns Fachbuchhandlung” (a local book store which also sells online) will be drawn from all students who nominate at least one lecturer. In order to be entered in the sweepstake, you will be re-directed to another form. This guarantees that your nomination and your contact data will be saved separately.
Nominating lecturers and participating in the sweepstake is possible until 21 August 2020.
Questions and Answers about the Special Award for Great Teaching during the Online Summer Semester
All students of Ulm University may nominate lecturers for their great efforts they put into teaching during the online summer semester. On principal, lecturers have the possibility to nominate themselves or be nominated by colleagues. However, the criteria in the nomination form are best suited to be answered by students.
All lecturers who are especially worthy for this special award because of their teaching during the Corona-summer semester 2020 might be nominated: professors, teaching assistants, tutors. To be able to answer the questions in the nomination form, you should have visited at least one course of the lecturer you nominate in the summer semester 2020.
Nominating lecturer is fast and easy. Of course you can fill in the nomination form more than once to nominate several dedicated lecturer. Your nomination is anonymous.
To nominate lecturers, you fill in a short nomination form and evaluate your chosen lecturer through five criteria on a scale from okay to excellent:
- Overview and Orientation: Through this criterion you are evaluating how structured the course or courses of the lecturer, you nominated, has been. Did the course have a clear procedure, has the course been well-organized and easy to oversee? Did the lecturer make clear, until when tasks and activities had to be completed? Have the tasks been clear/unambiguous and understandable?
- Learning Materials: With this section, you evaluate the learning materials the lecturer made available. How well have e.g. scripts, videos, links to external sources been? How well has the Moodle course been structured and assembled? How clear and comprehensible have the learning materials been?
- Communication/Contact: Here, you evaluate how well you felt the lecturer supported you personally during the summer semester 2020. Has he/she been accessible/approachable for questions? Did he/she offer online consultation hours or question times via BigBlueButton, discussion forums?
- Motivation: Please evaluate here how well the lecturer aroused your interest for learning contents and motivated you to learn.
- Fun: How much fun is it to learn with this lecturer? Did you have fun learning in this course/s with this lecturer?
Additionally, we ask you for a statement why this lecturer should be honored with the special award for great teaching during the online summer semester.
Lecturers who are awarded with the special award for great teaching during the online summer semester will receive a certificate for their files and a voucher for Lehmanns Fachbuchhandlung.
Not all lecturers can win a prize, even so they would deserve one. Despite that your appreciation of the efforts during summer semester 2020 means even more to many lecturers than a price from our Centre of Learning Development will. This is why we would love to hand your statement to the lecturers if you agree. Your anonymity will be preserved.
Three vouchers of 20 € each for “Lehmanns Fachbuchhandlung” (a local book store which also sells online) will be drawn from all students who nominate at least one lecturer. In order to be entered in the sweepstake, you will be re-directed to another form. This guarantees that your nomination and your contact data will be saved separately.
The special award for teaching during the online summer semester is awarded by the Centre for Teaching Development. This is not one of Ulm University's offical teaching awards. The criteria and the organisation of this special award is in the responsibilities of the team of the Centre for Teaching Development.
Nominating lecturers is possible until 21 August 2020. The award winners will be determined as soon as possible. We will publish the name of the award winning lecturers here on this site (if they do consent with publishing their names).