Employee Survey
Why this survey?
Ulm University considers the development of its personnel as one of its core tasks. The university sees itself as a learning institution that promotes people in their professional and personal development at all qualification levels. In order to solve the tasks of the future, Ulm University needs qualified and motivated staff. The effects of he COVID-19 pandemic are a great challenge for all members of Ulm University regarding work-life balance, job satisfaction, satisfaction with professional training and development opportunities.
Use of the results
First, the survey results were presented to the staff council and the presidium of Ulm University. Completed in November 2021, the general report can be downloaded in PDF format from the link on the right. (Only available in German and internal.)
The content of the survey was jointly designed by the HR department of the Central University Administration (ZUV), the staff council and the executive support unit QBR. The executive support unit QBR is responsible for implementation and evaluation the employee survey.
- 2019: preliminary talks, conception and coordination of the survey instrument, data protection check, approval by the staff council
- January-February 2020: final coordination and preparation of the sampling
- March-September 2020: postponement of the survey due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Oktober/November 2020: start of the employee survey
- January 2021: first results
- February 2021: Presentation of the results of the family-friendly university audit
- March 2021: Presentation of the results to the Presidium and the Staff Council
- Summer/autumn 2021: Creation and coordination of the results report
- November 2021: University-internal publication of the results report
Data protection
- The surveys are conducted in strict adherence to the data protection regulations.
- No employee data are passed on to third parties.
- The answers in the questionnaires are used exclusively for the purpose of quality assurance. A performance control does not take place.
- The data of the surveyed persons are anonymous upon entry and cannot be connected to employee data.
- Personal data are not part of any statistical evaluations.
- The results are published in the form of reports which do not allow any conclusions regarding individual persons. For instance, no analyses are done if the sample size for a question is n<6.
What is the purpose of the access code?
Each employee receives a randomly generated access code. With this code participants can access the online questionnaire (sufficiently protecting it from unauthorized access). Through monitoring the use of access codes it is also possible to see who has already filled in the questionnaire. These employee then will not receive further reminders (up to four contacts during the course of the survey are possible). An identification through the access code and the responses in the questionaire is not possible at any time.
I've already answered the survey, why was I invited to participate again?
There might be a temporal overlap with the reminder and your participation. Verifying the not used access codes your code was mentioned.
For further questions please contact the executive support unit Quality Development, Reporting and Revision:
Rüdiger Fiebig, Director of the Evaluation Service
phone: +49 (0)731/50-25104
email: ruediger.fiebig(at)uni-ulm.de