Evaluation service
Continuous development
Regular and systematic surveys help to recognize successful structures and procedures in time and can discover existing optimization potentials.
Regular surveys
The following regualar surveys are conducted at Ulm University:
In its capacity of evaluation service, the unit advises the departments with regards to the design of evaluations and supports them in matters of data collection and interpretation of the results. It also coordinates the different evaluation necessities in order to avoid conflicts of interest. Thanks to its involvement in various expert networks (e.g. on the topics of instruments, methods, data protection), it can offer comprehensive advice on all aspects of an evaluation.
We are contact point for enquiries regarding evaluations.
The Federal State Higher Education Act Baden-Württemberg (LHG) obligates higher education institutions to conduct regular self-evaluations as a way of assessing the fulfilment of their responsibilities. At the same time, the persons who are in charge of the study programmes as well as teachers and students have a vested interest in receiving/giving feedback on the quality of the education.
The evaluation responsibilities in the areas of study, teaching and continuing education are stipulated in the evaluation regulations. The evaluation regulations determine which personal data of teachers and students to collect, process and in which form they are to be published.
Kaufmännisches und infrastrukturelles Gebäudemanagement
Technische Versorgungszentrale
Arbeits- und Umweltschutz