Risk report
According to § 11 "Finanzstatut" (2007) of Ulm University the Presidium takes suitable measures to recognize dangerous developements in task fulfilment, early. To comply the legal requirements, "Gesetz zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich (KonTraG)" of May the first 1998 in connection with § 91 Abs.2 "AktG" und § 53 "Haushaltsgrundsätzegesetz", Ulm University sets up an appropriate risk management system.
As a result of legal responsobility an established risk management system is proofed in the annual financial statement.
- Primary focus of the risk management of Ulm University are actual the financial, infrastructure and IT-targets or risks. The medical faculty is included.
- Medium-term: the risk management system will be expanded by the topics personal and students.
- Long-term: the risk management system will be completed to all subject areas of Ulm University.
The annual risk report is based on the annual risk inventory in spring/summer.
Knowledge of further information of single risks after the risk inventory will be considered.
The risk management system of Ulm University supplemended to include objectives and risks of teaching. First reporting in the risk report 2022.