In the event of an emergency
Inform police in case of acute emergency: 110
In the event of fire and accidents with injured persons: 112
Internal emergency number - Leitwarte (control room): 22222
This page provides important information on the subject of safety as well as important phone numbers and contacts.
Inform police in case of acute emergency: 110
In the event of fire and accidents with injured persons: 112
Internal emergency number - Leitwarte (control room): 22222
You can report technical faults of any kind to the University's Leitwarte (control room). The colleagues are there for you around the clock.
<link en einrichtungen administration dezernat-5 gebaeudetechnik leitwarte>Leitwarte (control room) phone: 22225
This flyer (in German) provides general tips that help you get to your destination safely, as well as recommendations from the police
Please do not leave any valuables in the rooms visible from the outside during the day, evening or weekend. If blinds or similar are present, please use them to shut the windows. Make sure the doors and windows to the escape balconies are closed.
In the event of a burglary/theft, please report the incidence to the police immediately. Afterwards, please also report the burglary/theft to the Facility Management.
Procedure in the event of a <link en einrichtungen administration dezernat-5 arbeits-und-umweltschutz arbeitssicherheit arbeitsunfall-wegeunfall>work accident
All information on this topic can be found on the pages of the <link en einrichtungen administration dezernat-5 arbeits-und-umweltschutz>Occupational Safety Department.
The University has developed a contingency plan in cooperation with the police in Ulm. Further actions in the event of an amok situation is determined exclusively by the decisions of the police. For further questions please contact PD Dr. E. Kaufmann.