Certificate family-friendly university

Ulm University received its initial certificate as family-friendly university on 24 November 2008. Since then, the University has been successfully re-audited on a regular basis. The berufundfamilie GmbH reviews the practical implementation. Every three years, further goals can be stipulated as part of a re-audit. Ulm University is only allowed to keep the unmodified certificate upon a successful re-audit. The University pledges to carry out a family-conscious staff policy and to continuously keep working on reconciling family and studies/work.
Further information on the audit procedure: audit familiengerechte hochschule on the pages of berufundfamilie gGmbH

The following short profiles illustrate the University's goal for the audit. You will also find a brief excerpt of our measures.


short profile 2024       Certificate 2024 Z6
short profile 2021        Certificate 2021 Z5
short profile 2017        Certificate 2017 Z4
short profile 2014        Certificate 2014 Z3
short profile 2011        Certificate 2011 Z2
short profile 2008       Certificate 2008 Z1

Universitätspräsident Prof. Michael Weber und die Ansprechpartnerin des Familienservice, Maria Stöckle, präsentieren die Zertifikatsurkunde 2024 (Foto: Elvira Eberhardt/ Uni Ulm)

jpg - The contact of the family service and president present the certificate
The contact of the family service of the Ulm University, Maria Stöckle, and president Prof. Michael Weber present the certificate 2021. (Photo: Daniela Stang, UUlm)

audit-Projektleiterin Stöckle und Präsident Prof. Weber präsentieren die Zertifikatsurkunde
The contact of the family service of the Ulm University, Maria Elisabeth Stöckle, and president Prof. Michael Weber present the certificate which has been handed at the end of June in Berlin. (Photo: Elvira Eberhardt)
Family Service

Maria Stöckle

Postal address:
Universität Ulm
Helmholtzstraße 16
89081 Ulm, Germany

Room number: E.19a
+49 731 50-25012
Fax: +49 731 50-25013
Mon-Wed | a.m.